TP5 LP Patricia Remache
Elementary level


This is a speaking lesson to provide practice in the context of things you do on holidays


Abc language preparation
Abc Content

Main Aims

  • To provide speaking fluency practice in the context of things you do on holidays

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification with vocabulary use for holiday activities such as go sightseeing, go to museums,rent a car, travel around
  • To provide pronunciation practice with vocabulary used for things to do on holidays.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Introduce the topic of the class to students by asking them to remember what they like to do on holidays. Using G slides. ask about the images on the first slide

Content (5-6 minutes) • To prepare students for the speaking lesson by introducing some vocabulary

Demonstrate the activity by sharing g form, students will have to choose the correct description for each picture. Students will work in groups in breakout rooms to do the task together and after 2 minutes check the answer in an open class answers 1. Camping/ 2. Sightseeing/ 3.diving/4. travel around/ 5. go on a boat trip/ 6. go on a guided tour

Language Preparation (7-8 minutes) • To prepare students with MFP for the speaking lesson

Give students 2nd activity by sharing with them jam board, ask students to work in groups each group on a different slide, and ask them to choose the correct verb to fill in the gaps, students will have 2 min. Answers will be checked in an open class. then work with g slides where there are some sentences with the vocabulary seen in previous activities check the grammatical breakdown of one or two sentences, and lastly, check pronunciation by drilling chorally. Answers: 1. stay/ 2. rent/ 3. go/ 4. go to/ 5. travel

Speaking (15-20 minutes) • To practice speaking fluency

For speaking practice the teacher will give instructions to students, they are going to be working in groups to answer the questions on g slides. The teacher will set break-out rooms for students to work in groups. each one of them will have time to answer, after 7 minutes some students will be changed into a different group, for them to share with other classmates. The teacher will be listening to different groups to check on them and to get notes on good use of language and incorrect use of it to check it in open class Questions students have to answer/ When was your last holiday?/ Where did you go?/ Did you have a good time?/ Who did you go with?/ What did you do there?/ Where did you stay?/ How did you travel?/

Feedback (5-6 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to give some feedback after speaking task

After the teacher monitors the speaking practice. In open classroom, teacher will set some examples of good use of language and some errors and correct them and clarify students ideas.

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