Abdullah Abdelhadi Abdullah Abdelhadi

receptive skill
grade 7 level


First,I will present the target language to my students.Second,I will give them time to practice using the target language.Then,students will be given a chance to relate things they had been taught to their real live.


Abc Pictures PPP slides
Abc word document
Abc pictures
Abc MCQ hand out.
Abc text

Main Aims

  • By the end end of this lesson students will have practised reading for gist and for details in the context of GIANT Pandas.They are going to write about endangered animal inn KSA and how we can preserve it.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide students with some necessary words related to Giant Pandas.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I am going to start by greeting my students . I am going to ask them three questions about two pictures of pandas.What can you see in the three pictures? How are the first picture and the third are different?What does this person do? Students will read the three questions in 30 seconds .They are going to answer the three questions in pairs in 3 minutes. I will ask ICQs. time.work in pairs.talking or writing. I will ask three of my students to answer these questions in 2 minutes.

Pre-Reading. (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

I will introduce the new vocabulary in 9 minutes. I will give my students a task : In pairs they are going to fill the gaps in a table according to the pictures in just 3 minutes. I will ask ICQs. I will give my students an exercise (MCQs)in pairs in 3 minutes. I will ask ICQs. I will pick Ss by name to answer.

Predicting Task (2 minutes) • Ss try to guess what is the topic about

I will show my students three pictures from the set book with a question .They look at the pictures trying to answer the question.

While-Reading (14-16 minutes) • Students will read fast to get the main idea of the text.They will read carefully for details to answer questions.

I will ask my students to read the text to answer the gist question. What is the main idea of the text? They will be given 2 minutes to answer.They will compare their answers. I will provide them with the answer key. Ss will be given 5 questions related to the text to answer the individually after reading the text carefully in 6 minutes. I will pick Ss by name to answer.

Post-Reading (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

I will provide my students with some words. then ,they will asked to produce an interview with a conservationist about pandas.They will work in groups of 4. 8 minutes will be given. I will ask ICQs.

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