Charles Harpur Charles Harpur

TP5 Speaking - 27th May
Intermediate level


Abc Forms

Main Aims

  • To provide speaking fluency practice in the context of dealing with misunderstandings.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Develop reading subskills of gist.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Misunderstanding - 2 meanings. Can both these images mean misunderstanding? Failure to understand (misinterpretation, confusion, mix-up) or quarrel (argument, disagreement). Focus of lesson on first definition. CCQs - Is a misunderstanding an innocent mistake or deliberate or intentional mistake? 3 pictures: hotel reservation, train ticket, dinner date. What could be the misunderstanding in these pictures? Ideas: Wrong time Wrong day/date Wrong ticket (type of) Wrong restaurant/place

Exposure (5-6 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

Reading for gist - 1 example then 3 x conversations - 1 minute on each conversation. When I say read for gist and just 1 minute on each, do I mean get a general understanding or a detailed understanding? If there are any words you don't understand, what do I want you to do? Ignore them and carry on reading. What is the misunderstanding? Follow up questions: What is the confusion? Is the misunderstanding resolved? (A positive or negative outcome)

Useful Language (7-8 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

Meaning - grid questionnaire (see screenshot) - Formal or informal? (which is more formal?) I didn't catch any of that - formal version: I'm sorry, I don't understand. CCQs - Did he understand none, some or all of it? - Let me just see - Let me check that for you sir. CCQ - Does he want to check something? You've lost me - I'm sorry, I don't follow. CCQ - Is he understanding what they are talking about? Pronunciation - what is interesting about how I am saying these words; me just. linking words. Can you see another example of this? Interestingly there are two examples next to each other. catch any/any of. The stress changes this. Stress on Let, stress on any, stress on lost. Form - Structure - Fixed with subject-verb-object/complement So what you mean is I've missed the show fixed subject + verb + object/complement Other examples: So what you mean is I am late we have the wrong hotel Didn't you say it starts at 7.00? fixed subject + verb + noun/compliment Other examples: Didn't you say we'll meet at the pub? they hate Italian food?

Productive Task(s) (10-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Using 3 conversations again. With a partner, talk about these 3 questions; - What is source of the confusion and how could this happen? CCQ - by source do I mean the start of the confusion? - Is the misunderstanding resolved/concluded? CCQ - Is this asking if there is an understanding at the end? - How could you prevent/stop this misunderstanding from happening? CCQ - Does this mean during the misunderstanding or before? BOR - switch after 5 mins

Feedback and Error Correction (5-6 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

Extra Qs for content: - Is a misunderstanding always resolved? - Does conversation no.3 end differently to the other 2? DEC from speaking task

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