Fernanda Fernanda

Prepositions after adjective
Intermediate, b2 level. level


In this lesson, students will review prepositions and it's use. Then, the teacher will present prepositions after adjectives. After that, the teacher will present an activitity


Abc Index cards and writing utensils

Main Aims

  • To provide review about prepositions and it use after adjectives.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice the use of preposition after adjectives by an activity.


Warm-up (5 minutes) • To review the topic of the class.

Teacher will make a warm-up about prepositions and ask question to the students. For example: What do you jnow about prepositions? Can you name one of them

Review (5 minutes) • Review prepositions.

Teacher will present the review about prepositions. By explaning what prepositions are, their use and what kind of prepositions we daily use.

Practice. (10 minutes) • To practice the use of prepositions.

Teacher will write sentences on the board with a blank space where the preposition is supossed to go. Students will complete the blank with the prepositions already seen. After that, teacher and students will discuss their answers.

Introduce prepositions after adjectives. (10 minutes) • To understand the use of prepositions after adjectives.

Teacher will introduce the use of prepositions after adjectives and why do we use it. Teacher will also introduce how to express purpose, location, time and possesion or relationship by using preposition after adjectives.

Activity (10 minutes) • To practice the use of prepositions after adjectives.

In this stage, teacher will present the activity. Which consist in that in index cards with prepositions and adjectives on them, students will have to create at least 3 sentences. The students have to also consider the meaning and usage of both the adjective and the preposition. After that, students will present their sentences to the class and answer the questions from the teacher.

Reflection (5 minutes) • To reflect about the topic of the class and about activities.

In this last part of the class, teacher and students will reflect about the importance of learning prepositions after adjectives. Students will also discuss if the contents and the activities were meaningful/useful for them.

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