Peter Peter

Upper-Intermediate, Advanced level


Main Aims

  • To provide students different ways they can use the word "care" when talking about self-care and caring about another person.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Have the students begin to speak in TL.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

-T Sends students a message to SS "Do you consider yourself a caring person? In what ways do you show your friends that you care." -T Ask one SS ask him the question -T answers the question showing the students an example -T tells SS they will go to the BOR and discuss the question for 2 minutes -T ask 1 SS if they will go the BOR to discuss the question or their weekend ICQ -T send the students to BOR -When students return T ask 2-3 students to answer the question

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

- T tells students he is going to share a dialogue - T tells students that he wants the students to read the dialogue and answer the two questions for 2 minutes -T ask SS if he just wants them to read the dialogue and not answer the questions ICQ -T shares the dialogue -When students return T goes through question with SS

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

-T ask SS to take a look at the dialogue again -T ask SS to find 2 uses of care in the dialogue and says he will give them 1 minute -T ask SS how many uses of care he wants them to fine -When 1 minutes is up T asks the students where the uses of care are until all are found

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

-T tells SS he is going to send them a link -T tells SS they will work on their own and have 2 minutes to complete the wordwall -T ask SS if they are going to work in groups or by themselves -T sends the link -T goes over link with students which will complete the MEANING -T tells SS he is going to send them a link -T tells SS they will work on their own and have 1 minutes to complete the task . -T ask SS if they will complete the task or wait to do it as a group. -When task complete T goes over the form WS with the students -T shares screen with link to pronunciation -T pronounces the word and then ask SS how many syllables and where the emphasis is in the phrase or word -Once finished T has finished pronunciation

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

-T tells students he is going to share a link and give them 2 minutes to complete the task by themselves -T ask students if they should work on the assignment in pairs -When 2 minutes is complete T tells students he is going to break them out into break-out rooms to compare assignment -T ask students if they should compare their answers or keep them secret -When students return T goes over the questions -T then says he is going to send another link -T says he wants the students to work on the assignment for 3 minutes by themselves -T ask students... -T then sends link -T then goes over answer with SS

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

-T writes "How do you practice self-care" in chat box -T ask student to ask him the question -T answers the question using the target language to show example -T says he is going to send students to talk about the question in BOR for 3 minutes -T when students return T goes over the answers with the students

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