Fouzia Fouzia

Teaching Practice 6
Upper-Intermediate level


Students will be introduced to the contexts of crimes and anti social behaviors that relates to adventures and mishaps module in this lesson. They will pre-taught some vocabulary which they will find eventually in the text they are reading. They will read for gist task and for specific details. By the end a controlled and semi-controlled activities will conclude the lesson.


Abc Adventure and Mishaps

Main Aims

  • Ss are supposed to be able to read a written text for a gist and learn how to be selective. Also, they will learn how to skip unimportant information in the scanning task.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Ss will be able to recall some vocab and expressions from the text and reuse them in the free speaking activity and improve their fluency in the context of crime and drug abuse.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Ss will be asked to move around the classroom to have a look at some pictures of crimes, graffiti, football hooliganism…etc and then they discuss in pairs what those pictures might mean. In two or three minutes Ss will be allowed to turn over the picture to read what is written. They also discuss with their partners which of these behaviors happen in their respective countries.

Pre-Reading (5-10 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

I deploy TTT approach at this stage in teaching vocabulary. I provide Ss - in small groups- with HOs separated into two parts with a line. In the upper part they will be given a range of vocabulary. They have to tick if they know them, cross if they don't and question if they are not sure (see material 1). The sheet should be folded an only the upper part that is needed. Ss work, first, individually and then exchange information with the rest of the group when they are through. I do not give immediate FB but I allocate time of 3 mn and ask Ss to unfold the paper and match the previous given vocab with their right definition. Ss at this stage have to work in pairs. When time is up I distribute FB HOs. To check understanding of the concepts I ask CCQ. (Please see language analysis).

While-Reading (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading tasks

Ss in small groups are given the text to read. They have first to look at the picture and predict three possible interpretations of the situation. Ss share their ideas in pairs and then in group. Now Ss -individually- start reading the text in five minutes for the gist task. When time is up I ask some questions about the text general idea, such as: is the author impressed about what he saw? Does he like the country he is in? Are people treated similarly in his respective country? Prior to a second reading Ss will be given a set of question to answer in pairs (please see material 2). Ss discuss their answers with the rest of the group and then with the whole class. Subsequently I give a written FB.

While-Reading/ (5-8 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading tasks

At this stage, for scanning task, Ss on work sheets will be required to underline words, phrases or sentences in the text that inform them of particular information. Ss work in pairs and then in group. I regroup students and ask them to share their answers with their new group members. FB will be provided in a written mode.

Post-Reading (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Ss will be given a semi-controlled activity by asking 'what if' question and give options: what if you were a policeman, which approach you follow to crime, gentle or tough? Ss will work in pairs and express themselves freely, I try to monitor unobtrusively and pick some fluency errors. In few minutes, Ss, in a free activity will be required to talk about the most virulent crime in their countries and how it is approached. Ss mingle and exchange ideas.

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