Second conditional sentences
B1 ,B2 level
Main Aims
To provide clarification and practice of Second condition in the context of Zoo
Subsidiary Aims
To provide accuracy speaking practice in a Second condition in the context of Zoo
Procedure (24-30 minutes)
1. Greeting 2. Asking them how they spent their weekend 3. Speaking about a zoo 4. Trying to relax them 5. Telling them a zoo story with a music file and using gestures 6. Asking to give a brief summary of the story
1. Asking them some questions about the story in which the structure of second condition is used: If you were a monkey/ elephant/ wolf and girraff, what would you do? 2. Asking them each of the questions to write the answers in a piece of paper. 3. Giving the enough time to accomplish the task
1.Giving them four examples with pictures 2. Giving them more examples in different structure forms of this grammar. 3. Wanting them to guess the similarities among the sentences. 4. While guessing I will correct their mistakes 5. Giving them clarification of the use of this grammatical structure
1. Giving them some sentences 2. Wanting them to define the structure 3. Asking them to show the sentences they had written before learning the structure
1. Providing them with some exercises in which second condition is used in some sentences and wanting them to fill the sentences 2. Playing a story game in which someone says a sentence using second condition and then her friend starts a new sentence with the main clause of the previous sentence and so on, so they form a story 3. Asking them to write a paragraph about their favorite job by using second conditional structure. 4. Asking one of the to tell me what the homework was