Charles Harpur Charles Harpur

TP3 Lexis 29th April
Elementary level


To present and practice lexis to describe what you like and don’t like (+) verb “ing”., in the context of a first date.


Abc Jamboard

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of like and don't like descriptions, plus (+) verb "ing" in the context of a first date

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice using like and dislike language in a conversational format, in the context of a first date


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Confirm understanding of the term First Date with picture prompts, also use CCQs . Then use a cline task to confirm meaning of like/dislike language. (Hate-don't like-is ok-like-quite like-really like-love). Elicit an example of one of these used in a sentence from each student.

Exposure (3-4 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Present the text from the coursebook page 34. Ask questions for gist; What is the context of the text, where is Mark? What kind of information about Mark is presented to us? Elicit the answers from the Ss. At this point I will not give Ss control of the task as I want to keep on track of my timing, especially as this segment of the lesson is 3/4 minutes.

Highlighting (7-8 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Set us 5 or 6 questions on Forms requiring Ss to determine correct use of verb/verb + ing/noun and tense. Mark ____ rock music. Dropdown: love/loves/loving He ____ football and tennis. Dropdown: play/to playing/playing Mark likes ____ to the cinema. Dropdown: going/goes/go He ____ for clothes. Dropdown: hop/shopping/shops Mark ____ Tv and ____ video games in his free time. Dropdown: watch & play/watching & playing/watches & plays Ss discuss in pairs for 2 minutes then OC feedback for 2 minutes

Clarification (12-15 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T clarify meaning, I will elicit examples from the Ss for verbs and nouns related to the concept of a first date/likes and dislikes. Here I will also introduce verb + ing. Once this is understood I will give the Ss a quick categorising task, placing verb + ing and nouns in the correct column. 9 words to categorise, which shouldn't take them too long, I will give 2 minutes. The words: Italian food, cooking, dancing, travelling, rock music, football, video games, cats and shopping for clothes. We will then move on to pronunciation as I will want the Ss to be comfortable with this, especially some of the words that have a link, before we discuss form. First I will focus on syllables asking Ss to put 6 words in the correct column. (Cooking, playing, travelling, cats, animals, Italian food). We then go on to look at word stress on the more difficult words we have looked at so far. Travelling, really like, is ok, Italian food. Lastly we look at form. I will start by showing the verb + verb + ing or verb + noun structure after using like/dislike language. With this I will give an example for each; I love reading and I hate pop music. I will then elicit a quick example from one of the students, or all of them if I have time. I will then explain some additional language associated with this type of speech. The use of very much and its position in a sentence and the common mistake of the use of 'the' before the noun or verb.

Controlled Practice (3-4 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Here I will use a simple fill in the gap task. On the slide I will show 7 sentences of I ___ ____ or I ___ like ___. There will be love, really, quite, like, is ok, don't and hate displayed for the Ss to choose from to fill in the first gap and then they will need to choose their own personal answer for the second gap. We will take 2 mins for OC feedback

Free Practice (8-9 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Lastly, for the freer task, I will first display a lot of the language we have used throughout the lesson. The like/dislike language and the verbs/nouns. I will elicit some informal variations for some of the like/dislike language, i.e., enjoy, don't mind, not a fan, can't stand. I will then ask the Ss, in pairs, to role play a conversation in the context of a first date, where they give each other their likes and dislikes using the language already used as a guide and encourage them to think of some of their own vocabulary too. We can then feedback some of the Ss input to the class.

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