TP4 LP - Kyle Daniels
Upper Intermediate B2 level
Main Aims
To teach and provide clarification for using "wish" and "should have".
Subsidiary Aims
To provide review and practice for using the vocaubary surround "wish" and "should have".
Procedure (36-47 minutes)
I will begin the class by asking the students to help me think of five ideas to help me make more money. We will discuss their responses as a class as open class feedback.
I will give the students around 3 minutes to read the text. Before they read, I will give them a prompt to think about during their reading. Prompt: Pick one job you wish you could have from the text. Explain one thing you should have done to prepare for getting this job. I will conduct open class feedback for their responses.
After the students have read and responded to the prompt, I will have them look at the following statements as a class to get them thinking further in the direction of the vocabulary lesson. This activity will be conducted as a class. I will show them the statements and then ask what it is they think the person is talking about or getting at. i.e. What do you think happened? What are they talking about? I wish I hadn't taken five at the same time. (dog walker) I should have started doing this years ago. (personal shopper) I wish I'd known he was a musician. (rent out a room) I wish they hadn't put wires all over my head. (sleep study) I shouldn't have moved so often. (live model) I shouldn't have worried about anything. (film/tv shoot)
I will work on meaning from and pronunciation as stated in the textbook Face2Face: Wishes; should have We often use wish + Past Perfect Simple to make wishes about the past. These wishes are used to express regret and are often the opposite of what really happened: I wish I hadn't taken five at the same time. (Anna took five dogs out and they fought. She regrets it now.) We can also use should/shouldn't have + past participle to talk about regrets in the past: I shouldn't have worried about anything. (Lucy did worry. She regrets that.) I wish I hadn't taken five at the same time. aɪ wɪʃ aɪ ˈhædənt ˈteɪkən faɪv æt ðə seɪm taɪm. I shouldn't have worried about anything. aɪ ˈʃʊdənt hæv ˈwɜrid əˈbaʊt ˈɛniˌθɪŋ. They will then follow this up with an activity in a google doc for practice: 1. Look at the speech bubbles A-F: I wish I hadn't taken five at the same time. I should have started doing this years ago. I wish I'd known he was a musician. I wish they hadn't put wires all over my head. I shouldn't have moved so often. I shouldn't have worried about anything. -Are these people talking about the past? Yes No 2. Look at the following sentence and choose the correct words/phrases: I wish I hadn't taken five at the same time. Anna took five dogs for a walk at the same time. Anna didn’t take five dogs for a walk at the same time. 3. Look at the following sentence and choose the correct words/phrases: I should have started doing this years ago. Louise started doing this work years ago. Louise didn’t start doing this work years ago. 4. Take a look at the following sentences: I wish I hadn't taken five at the same time. I wish I'd known he was a musician. I wish they hadn't put wires all over my head. Which verb form follows wish? Paste Perfect Simple Present perfect 5. Take a look at the following sentences: I should have started doing this years ago. I shouldn't have moved so often. I shouldn't have worried about anything. Which verb form follows should/shouldn't have? Present Past Participle
I have created a exercise modifying exercise 9 on page 67 in a google form. The learners will first complete this on their own, check in pairs in BOR's, followed up by a short round of OCFB. Exercise: Fill in the blank using either wish, should have, or shouldn't have: I didn’t pay off my student loan last year. I _____ I'd paid off my student loan last year. You didn't tell me your brother was on TV last night. I _____ you’d told me your brother was on TV last night. I stayed out too late last night. I _____ have stayed out so late last night. I ate too much at lunch. I _____ I hadn’t eaten so much for lunch. My sister didn't pay me back the money she owed me. My sister ______ pay me back the money she owes me. The interest rate didn't go down last month. I ______ the interest rate had gone down last month. You didn't tell me you needed a lift this morning. You _____ have told me you needed a lift this morning.
I will ask the students: "Is there there anything in the last 6 months your wish you had done, or should have done? Is there is something you shouldn’t have done?" They will answer these questions together in break out rooms, and we will regroup for open class feedback. Delayed error correction will take place at the end.