Eve Eve

Reading Practice (TP 2)
Upper Intermediate level


In this this lesson, students will practice their reading skills and be provided the opportunity to use new and challenging vocabulary. This will accomplished using a text from a story about koi fish as pets, from their SB. The class will begin with images and new vocabulary where they will be asked to define each item by eliciting responses based on slides, and finishing up with MFP. Then, the learners will be provided with their first task on Google Forms containing a list of general questions about the text. Students will then be asked to read the text and answer the questions. OCFB will be conducted with an answer key. Then, a second task will be provided through Google Forms and students will then be asked to read the text for a second time, searching for detailed information. Once students have completed this task individually, they will then be placed in BORs in groups of three or four (depending on the number of students) to discuss their answers with one another. Afterward, there will be an OCFB along with the answer key. Lastly, students will discuss questions related to the text after completing a third Google Form task and placed in timed BORs. After 7-10 mins, the class will reopen for discussion, along with feedback on the task.


Abc "Living Jewels"
Abc Living Jewels, Task One
Abc Living Jewels, Task Two
Abc Living Jewels, Task Three
Abc Living Jewels Presentation

Main Aims

  • To provide reading practice for gist and detail in the context of fish as pets.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide students with new and challenging vocabulary in order to build fluency.


Warmer/Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Establish context for upcoming reading material through the use of imagery to elicit student responses. There will be a few images/pictures on display, and students will have an open-class discussion as they answer two questions about the topic they are about to read.

Pre-Reading Preparation / Pre-Teach Vocabulary (4-5 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Pre-teach vocabulary such as: Enthusiast Breeding Lucrative Specimen I will be eliciting responses by listing the words, first. Then, images. And lastly, provide the students with MFP. I will also ask students if there are any other words that are unfamiliar and see if there is another student who can answer the question, before I proceed with providing MFP.

While-Reading/Listening #1 (9-10 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and general information reading tasks

After providing the students with their first Google Form Task, they will be asked to read the texts once for general information and gist from the text, followed by OCFB and answer key.

While-Reading #2 (13-14 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging, detailed, deduction and inference reading tasks

Students will be asked to read the text a second time, after they've been provided with Google Form Task #2 (approx. 6 mins). Once they have completed their reading and filling out the handout, they will be placed in BORs in groups of three (before OCFB and answer key) to discuss/compare their own answers (approx. 8 mins.).

Post-Reading/ Response to the Text (9-12 minutes) • To provide students with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

There will be an OCFB where students have the opportunity to respond to the contents of the text, on a more personalized level, i.e., would you ever want to own a koi fish? (approx. 3 mins). Then, students will be prompted to their third, and final, Google Form Task where they will respond to questions relating to the text topic, before being separated into BORs (approx. 7 mins). Once the sessions have timed-out, I will open the class for group discussion, and provide feedback on the tasks (approx. 3 mins).

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