Shymaa Shalaby Shymaa Shalaby

Things I need
intermediate level


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Main Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of controversial statements.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide scan reading practice about agreeing or disagreeing in the context of controversial statements.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- I will display a photo of a TV drama of the Ramadan series. - I will ask them if they have watched it or not and what they think of it. was it a good one or not? has it discussed an important case in our society? - I will put them in groups of 3 and give them three questions to discuss in 2 minutes: * Do you support Hanan (Mona Zaki) or not? * Do you think that the government should control minors' money (younger than 21 years old)? * As a father what would you do in order that your family will not suffer after your death? - I ask them about their opinions and why they think that.

Preparation (5-7 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading.

-After the Lead-in, I'm going to elicit the word controversy and check the meaning and stress of controversy and controversial. - I tell ss that we have two pronunciations for the noun, then model and drill. - I explain to the learners that they are going to read 14 controversial statements, but first, they will need to know some words. - I display visuals of smack, terminally ill people, Capital punishment, and Military service and elicit the word compulsory from the meaning of Military service. - I ask ss to mark which ones they agree or disagree on or they are not sure or think it depends. - I give them 2 min to answer. - I discuss with them their opinions.

Useful Language (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

- I will tell them that we have an exercise of some people expressing their opinions agreeing, or disagreeing with others. - I will ask them to match the sentences with the function they express. - I will demonstrate the first one. - I will give them 2 min to finish and then ask them to check in pairs then we check as a whole class. - I divide the WB when they are doing the exercise into 3 parts: a) Expressing your opinions b) Agreeing c) Disagreeing. - I clarify the meaning of each part. - I drill the expressions of difficult ones.

Speaking Task (15-18 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice speaking for fluency

- I will divide ss into 3 or 4 groups, it depends on their number. - I will ask them to choose 3 topics of the controversial statements they would like to discuss, in 2 minutes. - I ask some ICQs: * are we going to choose or discuss? they should say choose. * are we going to choose alone or as a group? - I will ask them to work individually to plan how to express their ideas (what they think of each statement, whether they agree or disagree, and why). - I will highlight that they are going to use the useful language of expressing your opinions. - I will give them 4 minutes to prepare. - I will ask them some ICQs: *Are we going to speak or write? they should say to write * Are we going to work in pairs or alone? they should say alone - I monitor and help them during preparation. - I will tell them that they are sharing their opinions with the group and see if they agree or disagree and give reasons. - I will circulate or highlight the useful language they would use. - I will give them 4 minutes to discuss their opinions. - I will monitor and write down any errors if it found. - After their discussion, I elicit/ tell them how to present the views of their group. - I will give them 2 minutes to prepare their opinions as a group. - I will ask each group to present their ideas and ask the other groups if they agree or not and why. - If we have time I might ask them to choose another two statements.

Feedback and Error Correction (3-5 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

- I will write down any errors on the WB and also the good sentences. - I will ask them about each sentence what they think, whether it is right or wrong, and what is right and how we would make it better if possible.

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