TP1 LP - Kyle Daniels
Upper Intermediate B2 level
Main Aims
To provide reading practice for gist and specific information in the context of ghosts.
Subsidiary Aims
To provide clarification of words surrounding the topic of ghosts.
Procedure (35-47 minutes)
I will ask the following questions: 1. Do you believe in ghosts? 2. Has anyone ever seen a ghost? I will then allow for around 3 minutes of discussion about the possibility of existence of ghosts as a class.
I will introduce these 3 words to the students: MEANING 1. Sceptical - CCQ: If I am sceptical, do I believe what I am being told easily? i.e. Being naturally sceptical about these kinds of surveys, I always take them with a grain of salt. 2. Vanish - CCQ: is the subject still present if it it has vanished? i.e. We watched him for about a minute and then he suddenly vanished. 3. Proof - CCQ: Do I have a hard time believing something if I need proof? i.e. However, as someone once said, for the believer, no proof is required - but for the sceptic, no proof is sufficient. FORM I will illicit the form from the students through asking questions before showing them the example of the word from the texrt. PRONUNCIATION 1. I will model words for the students. 2. I will ask the students to count the syllables in each word. 3. I will ask the students to drill (repeat the words after me)
I will ask students to read the text quickly to get the general idea. They will have around 3 minutes to read the text. I will then have them give each paragraph of the text a heading from a group of proposed headings, there will be one extra. They will have around 3-5 minutes to complete the task Proposed headings: a A weekend invitation b A good night's sleep c A nation of believers d Still a sceptic e How the weekend began f A spooky experience After they provide their responses I will conduct open-class feedback (OCFB). We will go over their responses for about 3-4 minutes
I will ask students to carefully read the text to deduce whether a series of statements are true or false. They will report their answers on a google doc and have 5-6 minutes to do so. Google doc: I will ask the students to justify their answers in pairs in a BOR for around 5-6 minutes.
After they discuss their responses in pairs, we will verify / go over their responses as a class. I will conduct open-class feedback (OCFB) as we discuss the reading and their response, giving delayed error correction (DEC) afterwards.