Lourdes Lathulerie Lourdes Lathulerie

1st TP- Elementary Reading- Lourdes Lathulerie
Elementary level


In this lesson students will read two news stories. They will be able to practice their gist and detail readings and also have conversations about the stories.


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Main Aims

  • • By the end of the lesson, Ss will have developed the subskills of reading for gist and scanning in the context of uncommon news articles.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of sea related and lottery vocabulary
  • To provide clarification and review of simple past tense with action verbs and to be.


Lead-in (4-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Screenshare first slide: a man reading the newspaper. Ask concept questions to students, What's the man doing? - Reading a newspaper. What types of news can we find in the newspaper? Elicit a brainstorming session on the news we could get from the newspaper (banking news, international news, accidents, murders, entertainment....) Make sure only to ask 2 from each student keeping this part of the activity short. Screenshare the second slide. First picture. A couple on the boat, concept check of Sail (travel in a boat with sails) couple (two people together) ask concept questions such as What do you see? - a couple, a boat, the sea/ocean Are they friends or a couple? - maybe a couple Are they in a house? - No, they are not. What type of boat is it? Is it like a yacht? - It's not a yacht it's a sailboat What could the news be? - It could be... Make sure at least two students provide some type of prediction. Second picture. Dog holding money and savings. Concept check for winner (a person or thing that wins something) and lottery (a drawing of lots who people can win). Ask concept questions such as: What do you see? - a dog, money, a savings pig, happy dog. What does the dog have?- Money, a savings pig How could the dog get money? Elicit options he won, he works. What could this news be? It could be... Make sure the other students who didn't provide predictions provide them this time

Pre-Reading/Listening (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Pre-teach the following items from the reading text, to make it more accessible to Ss. Provide students a definition, and make them identify the term with the definitions. After presenting the pictures, ask them to match each term with the picture. Words and definitions: Reading 1: Couple Found at Sea -Storm: an extreme weather condition -Damage: harm or injury -Sail round the world: to go on a sailboat around the planet -Missing at sea: to be lost in the ocean Reading 2: Dog Wins the Lottery -Cheque: a printed form, used instead of money Envelope: a flat, usually square or rectangular, a paper container for a letter Biscuit: a cookie Millionaire: a person who has a network of at least 1.000.000 $

While-Reading #1 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading tasks

Go back to share slide 2 with our predictions for the two readings, and ask them if, based on the words we just learned, they had some other predictions. Add them if necessary. Screen share the task, ask them to stay on page 1 for now. Notify Ss that they'd have 1min 30sec to read news article #1 and check if any of our predictions were close to reality. If any prediction was there they should write yes on the chat. If not they should write no. Then Ss will be instructed to pass the page and do the same with reading #2, same instructions as before. 1 min 30 seconds. After explaining provide the link on chat, show time, and ask them to start. They'd have to pick up the answer from which sentence is closer to the news from the options given bellow Answers: A couple was lost in the ocean but got rescued. A dog made the owner win the lottery. Then do a whole class discussion.

While-Reading #2 (14-16 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

Students work in pairs Teacher assignegs the letter to each group A o B. Teacher shares screen showing the activity from the book, they'd find this activity in the corresponding link. Teacher reads the instructions and explains making sure students understand. Students are instructed to work in their pairs for 10min answering the questions.

Post-Reading/Listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Ask students to discuss in pairs or small groups what they thought about the two news stories. Did they find them surprising or interesting? Why or why not? - What would they do in those situations? Ss are instructed to take some notes on the classmate's opinions so they can share back with the group. The whole class gets together and we discuss some of their opinions. Teacher gives a couple of sentences for corrections and feedback

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