Nissma Nissma

Reading: On the last Wednesday in August
Elementary level


In this lesson, students will learn about different festivals around the world. They'll learn 3 types of reading: reading for gist, reading for specific information and reading for detail. And finally, they'll do a speaking task.


Abc PTV handout
Abc Speaking Task handout

Main Aims

  • To provide gist reading practice using a text about festivals
  • To provide specific information reading practice using a text about festivals
  • To provide detailed reading practice using a text about Times You Love

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of Times You Love


Warmer/Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Ss will discuss famous celebrations in Egypt (Christmas - Ramadan - Easter). Each Ss will choose one celebration to discuss with their partner and ask each other the given questions in the PPT. I will demo with them beforehand. Feedback will be provided afterwards.

Pre-Teaching Vocabulary (5-8 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

There are 6 new vocabulary that the Ss will be learning. I will use visuals in a matching exercise for three of these words and a synonyms matching exercise for the other three. Ss will peer check their answers, then an answer key will be provided. After they're done with the first exercise, I will drill the words, write them on the board and elicit the form from the Ss. I will do the same process with the second exercise. I will provide examples from the text.

While-Reading #1 (5-6 minutes) • To provide students with reading for gist

Exercise 1a: Ss will read the text and match the photos with the festivals. Ss will check their answers in pairs and then an answer key will be provided.

While-Reading #2 (4-5 minutes) • To provide students with reading for specific information

Exercise 1b: Ss will now read the questions and look for the answers in the text. I will make the task easier by demonstrating and eliciting the kind of information they're going to be looking for (keywords). After they're done, I will ask them about the answers and where they found them.

While-Reading #3 (4-5 minutes) • To provide students with reading for detailed information

Exercise 5a: Ss will first read the sentences A-E. Ss will work in pairs to try to match the sentences with Carla's answers. I will demo the first one with them. An answer key will be provided.

Post-Reading (Speaking Task) (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to expand on what they've learned

Exercise 6: Ss will discuss the questions in the previous exercise. I will provide some words/examples for each question that'll help the Ss in this task.

Feedback (5-6 minutes) • To provide content and language feedback

Content feedback: I will ask each Ss about their partner's answers and ask if they have anything in common. Language feedback: During the speaking task, I will monitor and take notes on the language mistakes the Ss make. I will then write these sentences on the board and elicit the correct answers from the Ss.

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