Adik Adik

Arabic Media_Iran and Saudi Arabia deal
Higher Intermediate level


In this lesson, students engage with a text about a contemporary topic in the news, recognise the stand of the writer and comment on the newspiece using their own background information about the topic.


Abc اتفاق السعودية وإيران

Main Aims

  • Students engage with a current topic through detailed reading of a newspiece. They infer meaning of some unknown words and use the provided vocabulary to respond to the text.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Students feel confident in guessing meaning of words from context and form.
  • Students summarize main information using appropriate vocabulary.
  • Students use new words in meaningful sentences.


Warmer/Lead-in (5-8 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students: 1) Introduce myself and get to know them 2) Make clear that I am not an expert on politics

اريد أن اقدم لكم نفسي قليلا وأتعرف عليكم لأنني لست متأكدة حتى من أسمائكم أديلا - مدرسة اللغة العربية وطالبة الدكتوراه في الادب العربي - من براغ، التشيك - لا أتابع الأخبار كثيرا ولكنني أحب أن أعرف ماذا يحدث في العالم - أرى مزايا كبيرة في دراسة لغة الأخبار في دراسة اللغة العربية لأن الأخبار تستخدم فيها اللغة الفصحى وكذلك تكرر فيها نفس كلمات وعبارات وتراكيب فمن الممتع أن يشعر المرء بانه يفهم النصوص تماما. هل يمكن أن تذكروا لي أسماءكم ومن أين أنتم وكم من الوقت قد قضيتم بدراسة اللغة العربية وما اذا تتابعون الأخبار يوميا.

Pre-Reading/Listening (5-10 minutes) • Students summarize the piece of news

What is the topic of the article? ما موضوع (عنوان) هذا المقال؟ Who signed this deal? Who brokered it? من وقّع على الاتفاق ؟ من (أي دولة) أسهم في التفاوضات؟ When did this happen? متى حدث هذا؟ متى اعلنت وسائل الإعلام هذا الاتفاق؟ Are there any other actors/sides mentioned in the article? هل هناك أطراف أخرى مهمة الذكر في هذا السياق؟ هل هي مذكورة في المقال؟ Is this an important piece of news? هل هذا الخبر مهم؟ هل الاتفاق مهم؟ (كيف يؤثر في أوضاع المنطقة/العالم؟) Have you read anything else about this? هل قرأتم شيئا آخر عن هذا الاتفاق من مصادر أخرى؟ Have you read it at home? Did you prepare the comprehension questions?

While-Reading/Listening #1 (10-12 minutes) • Students answer more detailed comprehension questions about the text

One student reads the question and another one answers. Then the teacher asks whether they all have the same answer. Then the teacher asks a more specific question to elaborate on something particular within the context of the relevant passage (a piece of vocabulary / a more detailed information).

While-Reading/Listening #2 (5-10 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

Students guess meaning of words picked by the teacher - and use them in new sentences (orally). Letting the students ask questions about anything specific they did not understand in the text - leading them to guess. Explaining grammatical structures if needed.

Post-Reading/Listening (12-15 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

In groups of two or three people students prepare (write down) 3 questions for an expert on middle eastern politics who could give more background/predictions/detailed information about the agreement. They are then asked to pose their best question to the class and others try to answer it.

Closure (3-5 minutes) • Wrap up

Go over words that have appeared on the board during class and their meanings. Thank students for their participation and praise their activity encouraging them to read more to follow what are the effects of this deal (connect to real world). Make sure all questions have been answered.

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