Jack Jack

Lesson Plan TP7
Pre Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will be able to identify the use, form and pronunciation of the second conditional.


Abc Zoom's board
Abc Zoom

Main Aims

  • To introduce and practice the second conditional.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide intensive reading practice.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

 T. spends time to build rapport with ss. by asking questions about their last meal or their favorite activities. - T. shares the link, on Zoom’s chat, to Google sites. T. directs ss. to the first page and explains the objective. - T. tells ss. to look at the picture and describe what is happening. - Ss. have to identify what is happening and answer the question there. - Ss. shares their answers to the whole class.

Text work (gist task) (8-10 minutes) • Recognize target language

- T. tells ss. they will work on a text now. - T. direct ss. attention the text and the two questions in the page. T. asks ss. to read the questions and the answers. - T. asks ss. to read the text and check the correct answer. - Ss. go to the breakout room to share their answers. - Before they go, T. gives a demo to confirm instructions and uses ICQs (e.g. ‘are you working in pairs or groups? In groups). - T. monitors while ss. are working in pairs/groups. - T. nominates ss. to share their answers to the whole class.

Presentation (MFP) (12-15 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

- T. shares his screen and asks ss. to go to the next part of the page. - T. asks ss. to look at the picture before they do the activity. - T. tells ss. to read the questions they have after each sentence. - Ss. have to read the sentences and check the correct answer. - Ss. have to go to check their answers on Zoom's breakout rooms. -T. models the first sentences to give ss. an example on how to do it. - T. gives a demo to confirm instructions and uses ICQs (e.g. ‘are you working on breakrooms? Yes). - T. monitors the work. - T nominates ss. to share their answers. - T. uses the sentences and ss. answers to explain the form and meaning. - T. checks comprehension using other sentences and more CCQs on Zoom’s board. * 1. Are they talking about the past or the present. * 2. Do we use the simple past or the simple present. * 3. Can you put the condition clause at the end? - T. uses the same sentences to explain pronunciation (thought groups and intonation). - T. uses some graphs to explain pronunciation. - T. asks ss. to repeat the sentences to check comprehension using Zoom’s board.

Controlled Practice (4-7 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

- T. directs ss. to the last part of the page and explains they will practise the target grammar topic. - Ss. have to read the 5 sentences and check he correct answer based on the sentences. - Ss. have to work in breakout rooms and share their answers. - Before they go to breakout rooms, t. models the first sentence and gives a demo to confirm instructions and uses ICQs (e.g., ‘do you have to work in groups or individually? In groups). - T. monitors ss. and take notes on some mistakes they may have. - T. nominates some ss. to share their answers.

Free Practice (2-4 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

- T. shares his screen and shows ss. the last part of the Google site. - T. gives instructions: Ss. need to discuss the questions in groups in breakout rooms using the target language. - T monitors while they are working in groups.

Feedback & DEC (2-4 minutes) • Feedback on the Freer Practice

- While ss. discuss the questions, t. writes down some sentences with errors related to the target language. - T. nominates ss. to share their answers to the whole class. - T. shares his screen to work on some mistakes ss. had.

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