hanaa hanaa

Hanaa's lesson TP4
elementary level level


In this lesson, students will speak about their favourite dishes and their ingredients after listening to an interview with a chef. This lesson will start with a lead in activity then ss will go through PTV words then after that they listen to an audio and we focus on the useful language then they have a speaking topic to speak about. Then teacher gives ss a content feedback.


Abc handouts, cards
Abc mp4

Main Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of favorite dishes and their ingredients

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed listening practice using a text about conversation in the context of ''Can men cook? And the Cooking TV shown that talks about spaghetti recipe


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I choose a picture of Egyptian breakfast and elicit the information from students and ask them about their food diaries that they are used to eating. They start with writing a list of food vocabulary words and make personalisd sentences about themselves.

PTV (3-5 minutes) • to be exposed to the blocking words that most students don't know.

Teacher clarifies the blocking words that may be difficult for some students and may hinder their understanding. The teacher shows a picture and elicit the word from the students using ECDW

Exposure (4-6 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

1. Discuss the main question before listening to the audio. 2. Distribute the handout of the questions. 3. listen to the audio and answer the questions individually. 4. Listen to the audio again and review the answers in pairs. 5. Check the key answers

Useful Language (5-6 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

I write the useful words, phrases, sentences on the board. I drill the new words many times.

Productive Task(s) (6-8 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

1. I ask my students to speak about their favorite dish and its ingredients. 2. Divide students to groups and start the activity. 3. I use Icqs. 4. they speak for 4 minutes.

Feedback and Error Correction (3-5 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

Follow up ( I give ss the language and content feedback )

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