Natalie Natalie

TP 5a
Upper Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will be focusing on the receptive skill of reading with the post productive skill of speaking for both accuracy and fluency. The context of the lesson is about healthy living and students will be reading a text focusing on this.


Abc Answer Key
Abc Reading text

Main Aims

  • To provide detailed reading practice using a text about staying healthy in the context of Life's ups and downs (healthy living)

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a giving details of the text in the context of staying healthy.
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation based upon the text, in the context of the students personal lifestyles.


Vocab Building (6-7 minutes) • For students to gain vocab on the topic of healthy living

Students to focus on 5 key words in this stage. Cholesterol, Arthritis, Hostility, Vegetating and Mental health. Students to match the key words to the pictures on the board; this will elicit meaning to the key words. Students to write up correct word under each picture. Teacher to hold WCFB to ensure that meaning is clear and complete error correction. Teacher to check meaning through CCQ (see anticipated problems) and then ensure phonology is clear through choral drilling and then individual drilling.

Reading for gist (7-10 minutes) • Students to gain a comprehensive understanding of text.

Give students the letter A or B. Get all A students to move to one table, and all B students to the other. Give students their reading which has already been divided into A and B. A students to read text A, B students to read text B. Give students question sheet for their text section (gist task) and ask group to complete. If one group finished before the other, ask students to ask each other questions about the text.

Comprehension task (10-12 minutes) • For students to share information with partner to show understanding

Ask students to pair up, finding an A or a B to work with. Students to verbally share information about their text. Put questions on WB so that students have a guide of what to talk about. Allow students significant time to develop their understanding of the text through verbal reading. Ask students to re-read the other text (A or B), checking their partners answers to gist task. Teacher to hand out answer key

Semi controlled speaking (6-7 minutes) • Students to practice oral speaking for accuracy

Students now to talk about the entire text; students to discuss in pair whether they found anything surprising and if so, what. If there was anything they didn't believe, if so why. Students to use information from text as a basis for discussion. Teacher to have these questions written on the board. If students finish, open up discussion to the whole table, sticking to the same questions.

Freer speaking (8-10 minutes) • Students to practice oral speaking for fluency

Students to write down at least 2 answers to the questions on the WB to enable students to have thinking time before the discussion. Q1) Has the article made you feel that you should make any changes to your lifestyle? Q2) Is there anything else you could do to make your lifestyle healthier? Students to work in groups and discussion the questions. Teacher to monitor discussions but to be aware of aim (fluency). After discussion, ask for WCFB. Extension: Ask students to do a stand up sit down activity. If students agree with statements, to stand up and explain why they agree, stay sat down if they disagree. Final page of Power Point. Teacher to complete error correction based on GW discussions.

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