Bediz Bediz

Teaching Practice 5
Beginner, A1 level


In this lesson the students will learn new food vocabulary and use this vocabulary in a listening about eating habits. The lesson will begin with the students first testing their knowledge of the vocabulary, then they will use what they learnt by making simple sentences about their eating habits. After this they will listen to a man being interviewed about his habits. The students will answer various gist and specific detail questions while listening. At the end of the lesson the students will do a find someone who activity where they will ask each other about their eating habits.


Abc Course Book Handout
Abc Gap-fill handout

Main Aims

  • Listening for the gist and specific details within the context of food.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Using vocabulary suitable for talking about eating habits and using this vocabulary in a productive skill (speaking).


Warm - Up (2-3 minutes) • To get the students ready for the lesson

Draw on the board a picture of a book, egg, door, ice, and zebra. In pairs the students try to crack the code. After two minutes ask the students what they think. Elicit the names of the pictures and say my name.

Lead-in (8-10 minutes) • To introduce the new vocabulary related to food.

First, I will give them a handout with the vocabulary that will be used in the lesson. They will tick what they know and cross what they don't know (individual work). Then, they will explain to each other the ones they don't know. Next I will give a matching exercise where they match the words with the pictures. Before feedback the students will peer-check. Then I will do WCFB. Then, I will show pictures of the food and drill the pronunciation.

Pre-Listening (12-14 minutes) • To get the students familiar with phrases used when talking about eating habits.

I will elicit the words breakfast, lunch and dinner with the use of a timeline, then separate the students into three groups and ask them to brainstorm what you eat at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Next I will give example sentences such as "I usually have toast for breakfast" and ask them to complete ex. 2 on the course book handout (speaking activity in pairs). FB by asking about partners. Then the students complete ex.3. I will give example and the students complete the task alone and check in pairs.

While-Listening (7-9 minutes) • Listening for the gist and specific details

The students first listen and complete a fill in the gaps exercise for the gist. They peer-check then WCFB. Next the students listen again and complete a true or false exercise. They peer check again and WCFB. I will ask for justification. (Why?)

Post-Listening (8-10 minutes) • To practice the vocabulary and question forms the students learnt in this and the previous lesson.

I will give the students a handout with various sentences about eating habits. The students will be required to make questions out of the sentences. I will give the students a few minutes to make questions then they will ask each other questions. I will get feedback.

Error Correction (2-3 minutes) • To raise awareness on some mistakes

I will monitor and listen to any mistakes that the students may be making and I will do some delayed error correction at the end of the speaking activity and after the feedback.

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