Nicolás Rivera Nicolás Rivera

TP 6 Functional language
pre intermediate level


In this lesson Ss will learn about functional language to express likes and dislkes.


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Main Aims

  • To introduce and provide practice of functional language for expressing likes and dislikes.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide vocabulary review in the context of expressing likes and dislikes and have some writing practice as well.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T. will share with the Ss a set of things that he likes/ dislikes about his work-study. T. will show pictures of these things. All of these things will be things related to one certain situation (work-study). As the T. show the pictures he'll be using common language to express likes and dislikes. For example: - "I love working on a clear desk" -"I really hate to work in noisy places, I rather go to a quiet library" - "I really like to be able to find any materials-tools I need easily". - "I don't mind to work in teams but I prefer to work alone" After doing this, T. will ask the Ss to think about what do they like or dislike about their work or study and share it with the class.

Text work (8-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T. will share an audio with the Ss. T. will use the audio in 2A to contextualize the language. This audio is about a person talking about what he likes / dislikes about his job. T. after hearing the audio the students will solve both a gist task and an intensive task that will focus on the target language. Before setting up the task T. will show the text of the audio with some spaces left in blank that the Ss will have to fill. For the gist task students will have to choose a good title for the audio. For the intensive task the students will have to spot the affirmative and negative sentence in the audio.

Clarification (9-9 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T. will choose three phrases to express likes and dislikes and elicit meaning, form, and pronunciation of TL as much as possible from Ss. The phrases used will be: - I can't stand using a computer all day. - I'm keen on learning new things. - I love working in teams. More detail in the TLAS.

Controlled Practice (10-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T. will share a google forms to set the task. T. will make sure everyone is able to open the link. T. will give an example for the task and explain the activity. This activity consists on completing a sentence the right way. But the activity is divided in two parts. Anyways, the two parts of the activity consist of completing a sentence. In the first part this is done by typing a single word. However, in the second section, more context is provided and the mechanism for completing the sentence changes and now consists of choosing between three options. T. will ask the Ss to work individually first and then share their answers with their classmates in breakout rooms. T. will be monitoring each group of Ss. ICQs: Are you working individually? Individually Do you have to complete each sentence and then compare your answers with your class mates? Yes. After checking your answers do you have to submit the form? Yes, we have to submit the form.

Free Practice (12-12 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T. will share the screen and set the following task: T. will ask the Ss to "Write about three things that you love/like/hate about your work or study". Ss will be asked to share their answers with their classmates in break out rooms.

Feedback & DEC (2-3 minutes) • Feedback on the Freer Practice task and error correction

T. will give feedback about the speaking activity. T. shares Zoom whiteboard and writes some good and bad examples from students. T. will elicit ways to improve some ideas.

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