TP 5 Jesús Solano
Pre-Intermediate level
Main Aims
To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of opinions and recommendations
Subsidiary Aims
To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of bbeing sick at work
Procedure (32-46 minutes)
Teacher shares screen to a Google Jmboard with a picture about some people sick at work. Teacher points students to look at the picture and asks questions to activate schema and engage the students: - Are these people okay? - How do they feel? - Are they healthy or sick? Teacher points to different pictures and mimics so as to elicit the required answer if necessary.
Teacher directs the students to read a dialog where three people are talking about one of them being sick at work, they are sharing recommendations and opinions. After reading students will need to choose the sentence that best describes the situation individually Teacher shares a link to a Google Site with the reading and a Google Form embedded with the question and options. ICQs - Will you read for specific information or a general idea? General Idea - Do you need to read slow or fast? Fast Teacher elicits the correct answer from the students. Teacher directs students to read the text once more and then write down the sentences with the useful vocabulary on the appropriate space; students need to scroll further down the Google Site where they will find the second task. Teacher models the activity and jot down the first sentence as an example. Students will work in pairs in breakout rooms while teacher monitors. ICQs - Will you look for general or specific ideas? specific Teacher nominates students to checks answers with the group
Meaning Teacher shares screen to a Google Jamboard where students will find examples of useful language they saw in the reading. Teacher will use CCQs to check meaning - Look at these sentences, are they facts or opinions? Opinions 'I think/I don't think': - What can I use to show my opinion? 'I think' - After 'I think', is the sentence negative or affirmative? affirmative - Can I use a negative sentence after 'I think'? No - What can I use to express a negative opinion? 'I don't thinkk 'So + Should': - In this sentence what can I use for a recommendation? 'shouldn't' - And in affirmative? 'should' - How do I connect the 'cause' to the recommendation? with 'so' 'Perhaps' - If I use perhaps, is this a fact, or a probability? a probability Form Teacher shares the screen to a tab in the Google Site document the students had worked on, student points the students to asnwer the embedded Google form where they will need to complete the blank with the correct option, students will work individually and will compare their answers with their classmates. Teacher points students to click on the 'Practice' tab on the site and provides the link on Zoom chatbox. Teacher monitors and, after 3 minutes, students are sent to breakout rooms to check answers for 1 or two minutes. Teacher checks answers with the group and shares screen to a board with the sentences labeled with parts of speech for the students. Pronunciation Teacher shares screen to a board where students can see examples of the useful language and the IPA pronunciation and stress of the syllables. Teacher says one sentence and elicits from students the stressed words going over all four senteces Teacher then shows the intonation which in affirmative and negative sentences goes down at the end. Teacher says one sentence an directs students to repeat, modeling 3 times per sentence.
Teacher points students to work in pairs again, only this time they will discuss how to save money, teacher shares a screen to a Jamboard where students will see pictures related with money with the question 'How can you save money?' Teacher points the students to discuss recommendations or opinions and models and example for them - I think you need to prepare a list before going to the supermarket - Yeah but some things are unnecessary so you should consider only the most important items - Perhaps you can buy some things at a local store and not at the supermarket ICQs - Do you need to use the expressions we saw in class? Yes - Do you need to say facts or opinions? Opinions - Will you compare your ideas with your classmates? Yes Teacher shares the link to the jamboard on Zoom chat Teacher monitors students After 5 minutes Teacher changes the pairs so students work with another classmate. If there is enough time (which there might) the next activity is set up Teacher will share their screen to a Jamboard where students can see images of a person studying and a series of questions. Teacher introduces the activity by presenting Mike: Mike is studying English, like you guys! but Mike is having problems, he cannot focus, and he doesn't have a good memory, so I wanto you to discuss, using the expressions we saw today, what can you recommend Mike do to learn English! Students will need to come up with 5 recommendations per pair to help Mike study better. Some recommendations will be similar between teams so the teacher needs to encourage students to be creative and give more personal recommendations or opinions. Teacher models an example with two recommendations: - I think Mike needs to focus more, perhaps he can close the windows when he studies - No, he should listen to calming music when he studies. Teacher shares the link to the jamboard on Zoom chat Teacher monitors students After 5 minutes Teacher nominates students to share and explain their answers.
Teacher reacts to some information gathered during monitoring and then nominates students to share their classmates or their own opinions about the questions . Teacher shares zoom board to write down two or three different mistakes heard during the activity, then Teacher asks students for the correct form of the language, pronunciation, or part of lexis; checking with the student and writing the correct form.