Adik Adik

Reading about Fouad II
Higher Elementary level


In this 45 minutes lesson, students read about the day in life of King Fouad, exploring Egyptian history and practicing reading and talking about daily routine.


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Main Aims

  • To provide detailed reading practice using a text about daily life of an Egyptian monarch. To provide some cultural context to Egyptian political history.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Establish a good rapport with students
  • Develop scanning reading techniques and building confidence in known vocabulary recognition.
  • Supporting students' confidence in recoqnising familiar roots in unfamiliar words.


Welcome and icebreaker (5-10 minutes) • To establish rapport with students

أهلا وسهلا شكرا لكم ولدكتورة دلال على حسن استضافتي في درسكم هذا! كما تعرفون أنا اسمي أديلا وأنا من براغ/ جمهورية التشيك. ولكنني لا أعرف شيئا عنكم! فأريد أن أتعرّف عليكم أحسن قبل أن نبدأ اليوم... - فهل يمكن أن يعرّفني كل واحد منكم على أحد الزملاء أو إحدى الزميلات؟ - اذكروا 3 معلوملات عن حد في الصف ( اذكر مثالا وأعطيهم دقيقة للتفكير )

Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Let the students know that today we are reading about an Egyptian king and his daily life. Making sure they know the expression "الحياة اليومية" and ملك 3 quick question for the class: هل هناك ملك في مصر اليوم؟ لماذا؟ متى أصبحت مصر جمهورية؟ من يقود الدولة؟ من كان ملك فؤاد؟ ابحثوا في الموبيل - هل كان الملك الأخير؟ كيف شكله؟

Pre-Reading/Listening: Matching (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Matching Activity - in pairs, the students are asked 1) to match 10 verbs (in their imperfect forms) with objects according to their meaning (e.g. يرتدي - ملابس) 2) guess the order in which the king performed these - these colloquations are taken from the text - daily activities. We then go over the results of the matching together.

Meeting the text (3 minutes) • To not get overwhelmed with a long text and orient themselves in it a little

Students are handed the text - asked to read the title (معيشة +جلالة) and look for the word الساعة (underlined) in the text, so that they roughly know what paragraphs are about which part of the day.

While-Reading/Listening #1 (10-15 minutes) • To provide students with challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks and some interference tasks

In 3 groups - morning/ midday / evening - the students read together in detail a specific paragraph assigned to them 1) they are asked to present to others after what the king does in that part of the day 2) they are asked to look for words they don't know and guess the root and meaning They then present their part of the day and together we look for meanings of the unknown words - using the whiteboard so that others also get the chance to guess.

Post-Reading/Listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

What have we learned today about king Fouad and his day? Students are encouraged to repeat what they'd learned. Was king Fouad a good king? A hard-working king?

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