Sara shamsi Gamchi Sara shamsi Gamchi

les vêtements/ les couleurs/ les matières
A1 level


In this lesson, Ss will read a text in order to learn the words for clothes, colors, and materials or fabrics. they also learn how to give their opinion on a piece of order to set the context, some photos and questions will be used to activate their background knowledge. the text mentioned above will follow the questions. Different types of exercises will be done to clarify the new words. And finally, a mini-dialogue will be demonstrated then Ss will try to produce similar dialogues.


Abc power point
Abc magazine ' Vogue'

Main Aims

  • To provide scan, detailed and inference reading practice using a text about 'la mode? j'adore!'

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of words related to clothes and the ones needed for describing the clothes in the context of 'mode'.Les vêtements et accessoires, les matières, les couleurs
  • Situer un moment dans l’année
  • To provide speaking practice for ' donner une appréciation sur un vêtement' using a sample conversation in the context of 'la mode'


warmer-lead in (1-2 minutes) • to set the lesson context and engage learners

1. first slide of the PowerPoint file to set the context and activate the Ss background knowledge introduce the topic with a flashback to the previous session's lesson say: séance dernière, on a parlé de vêtements. quand on dit 'vêtement' on se rappele 'la mode'. ask: est-ce que vous aimez 'la mode'? show the magazine and ask : vous avez des journaux de mode? 2. second slide: for a smooth transition from the warmer to the exposure and clarify the word 'Conseil' ask the questions : qui est cette femme? est-ce qu'elle a des idées de mode? for CCQ: alors, elle a les conseils de mode? elicit the answers.

pre-reading: Exposure and highlight (3 minutes) • to prepare Ss for the text and make it accessible. also, to provide the context for the target language through a text and to draw Ss' attention to ' comment situer un moment dans l'année

show slide 3 and ask Il y a combien de photos? Quels vêtements vous connaissez? Ce sont des vêtements pour hommes ou pour femmes? Il y a seulement des vêtements ou des accessoires aussi? elicit the answer for each question step by step ask the questions or ask the learners to do the exercises which are on the slides 4 , 5 ,6, 7 and 8 give them some time to scan the text elicit the answers

while- reading #1 (4-7 minutes) • to provide Ss with more challenging detailed and deduction reading tasks

slides 9, 10 and 11 ask a learner to read question 5 on the slide 10 then give 5 minutes to read the text then elicit the answers and ask them to clarify

post-reading (1-2 minutes) • To address the subaim of the lesson (vocabulary)

show slide 12 and ask the Ss to go back to the text and take out the words then to put them in the table under the correct term then show slide 13 and let them verify their answers for Concept Checking: show slides 14 and 15 and elicit the answers

post-reading #2 • To practice the subaim #2 (controlled-practice, speaking)

show slide 16 explain 'appréciation' ask a S to read the box for 'donner une appréciation' show the picture ' un pantalon vert' and ask a S to choose an expression from the box and respond say : X, Tu aimes le pantalon vert? wait for his/her answer ask another learner: J’aime le pantalon vert, et toi?

semi-controled speaking task (2-3 minutes) • to practice 'poser des questions pour demander l'appréciation' et 'donner une appréciation'

choose four learners and ask them to practice the dialogue for two other pictures on the slide 16

wrap-up (1 minutes) • to wrap up the lesson

show slide 17 and explain their homework assignments show slide 18 and say quel mot vous avez appris dans cette lecon et vous l'aimez ?

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