Present perfect
Elementary level
İn this lesson students learn about a new tens that's called present perfect
Main Aims
To provide clarification
Subsidiary Aims
To provide fluency
Procedure (5-19 minutes)
Lead in/warm up • Clarify the context
İ ask a question that is pp related like "have you ever watched a movie that is based on a book"
Task b (0-4 minutes) • Grammer based listening
They listen to a conversation between two person and they should fill in the blank with proper words
Task c (5-10 minutes) • Form clarification (Grammer)
İt's a two part task first they try to find deferent form's of pp Then the will do the tasks that i gave em individual then paire check then whole class check
Grammer bank (0-5 minutes) • Practice
They do the exercises in the book
Delay activity • Practice
They are supposed to make two example from each form of pp (+, - ,?)
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