Nicolás Rivera Nicolás Rivera

TP 4 LP_ Nicolás Rivera
upper intermediate level


This will be a grammar lesson whose intention is to introduce the students in the practice of future continuous.


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Main Aims

  • To provide an introduction and practice for Future Continuous

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide writing and speaking practice using the future continuos tense.


Warmer/Lead-in (4-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- I will tell my students that the topic for the class will be "future continuous" - T. will show the students some pictures about people thinking about plans or trying to plan something, I will ask the students what do they think about the pictures. - "Do you guys think the persons in the pictures are thinking about the past, presente or future? What do you guys think?" - I will ask the students if they have any plans or goals in mind for the future. The question will be: - Do you have any plans, projects or goals for the near future? For example, are you planning to travel somewhere soon? or starting a new job? - I will talk about a plan I have so the students feel more comfortable sharing a plan they have for themselves.

Text work (5-5 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

- T. will share with the students a text that uses the future continuous tense to give context. - T. will share the text using a google forms link and tell the Ss that this is a warm up activity. -T. will ask the Ss to choose the best title for the text between three options: 1. Rebellion speech 2. Freedom dream 3. Thoughts about war -T. Will ask the Ss which was their answer.

Presentation - Clarification (10-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Meaning: T. will ask the students some CCQs to identify meaning. - "Juan will be travelling to Europe next month" when is this action happening? future, present or past? Do I know when the action will take place? - "The airplane won't be leaving at 4:00pm" Is this an affirmation, a denial or a question? Form: T. will ask the students the different components of the structure of the future continuous in order to elicit the meaning from the learners. - "I will be singing" Affirmative form. (Subject) + (will be) + verb-ing. (present participle). - "I will not be leaving tomorrow" Negative form. (Subject) + will + Not + be + verb-ing. - "Will it be raining tomorrow ?" Question form. Will Pronunciation: Teacher will read each sentence used to specify the form and then I will ask the students to repeat the right pronunciation. After doing this I will come back to the text used to provide context and I will highlight with the students the sentences that use Future Continuous in the text. The purpose of this is that the students can review the form and structure of the future continuous tense.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T. will ask students to complete sentences using the correct form of the verbs in future continuous. T. will share the exercises using a Google Docs link. T. will ask students to compare answers in breakout rooms. T. will bring all the students back to the main room and they will be asked to share their answers with the whole class.

Freer Practice (10-13 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

I will ask the students to write about their goals and action plans for the next twelve months. The will have to write down three goals they have and then discuss it with their classmates. 1. Write down three goals connected with family, learning, travel or anything else and then discuss your answers with your classmates. 2. Think of specific actions you can take for each and decide when you will do them. T. Will give some examples: - "I hope that by this time next year I will be travelling to Australia" - "In two years I will be taking italian lessons in Rome"

Feedback & DEC (3-3 minutes) • Feedback on the Freer Practice task and error correction

1. After the controlled and freer practices, the teacher will make corrections if necessary.

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