Upper Intermediate level
Main Aims
To provide clarification and practice of Past Perfect Simple and Past Perfect Continuous.
Subsidiary Aims
• To develop students’ listening skills for gist understanding • To develop students’ understanding of the meaning, form, and pronunciation of Past Perfect Simple and Past Perfect Continuous. • To develop students’ knowledge of grammar usage and structure. • To develop students’ confidence in situations where they may need to tell stories using Past Perfect Simple and Past Perfect Continuous.
Procedure (39-45 minutes)
1. T asks SS about their weekend and nominates 1-2 SS to get their answers. 2. T asks SS if they practiced their English during the week and nominates 2 SS to get their answers. 3. T shares the screen and shows the first slide of the Canva presentation with the questions related to the thematic of Valentine's Day: Had you ever heard about this couple? How long had they been dating before they broke up? In your opinion, had they had a good relationship? 4. T selects 3-4 students to answer those questions
5. T shares screen and presents the task to SS 6. T instructs SS: “Now you will have 2 minutes to read a short conversation and then you will answer the following questions that you have here.” 7. T shares the Google Form link through the chat box 8. SS do the task during the assigned time 9. After the 2 minutes, T shares presents the answer key to SS and asks: "Do you have any questions?" 10. T shares the text again in a Canva Presentation and asks SS to help her underline sentences with Past Perfect Simple and Past Perfect Continuous. 11. Before moving to the language clarification, T asks if everything is clear and if there are any questions.
12. T shares a Google Form link to SS so they can analyze some sentences of the text. T instructs SS: “Now you will have 5 minutes to analyze these sentences from the text and answer the questions individually” 13. T asks SS: Do we have 4 or 5 minutes? (5 minutes) Do we also have to answer the questions? Yes or no?(Yes) Are we working individually? Yes or no? (Yes) 14. SS do the task during the assigned time 15. T shows the answer key and asks if everything is clear before moving on to the next part. 16. T shares screen in the part of the sentences selected and asks SS: "Do you have any questions about the meaning of these sentences?" 17. T asks SS to listen carefully so they can identify the stress words. T makes SS some questions: Which words am I stressing? Do I use contractions? 18.T asks SS to repeat after her
19. T shares screen and presents the task to SS 20. T instructs SS: “Now we are going to answer the questions by choosing the correction option to complete the sentences. For this, you will have 5 minutes” 21. T resolves the first question of the task with SS 22. T copies the Wordwall link and stops sharing. 23. T sends the link to the SS via chat box. 24. T asks SS: Do we have 4 or 5 minutes? (5 minutes) Do we have to answer the questions? Yes or no?(Yes) 25. SS do the task during the assigned time 26. SS go to the breakout rooms for 2 minutes to check and discuss the answers in pairs before OCFB (OpenClass Feedback) 27. T asks SS: Are we sharing our answers to the whole class or with our partners? (With our partners) Do you have 2 or 3 minutes? (2 minutes) 28. After the 2 minutes, T shares screen and shows the answer key for the task. 29. Before moving to the free practice activity, T asks if everything is clear and if there are any questions.
30. T checks if SS have responded to the content of the lesson by developing students’ fluency. 31. T presents the Wordwall wheel to SS 32. T instructs SS “Now I want you to practice the grammar we learnt today by asking your partners the following questions on the wheel. For this, you will have 5 minutes” 33. T makes one student asks her the first question from the wheel as model for the learners. 34. T sends the link through the chat box 35. SS do the task during the assigned time. 36. T monitors every breakout room and takes notes for the language feedback in the end.
37. T nominates 1 SS of every breakout room to share the ideas discussed in every group for Q1. 38.T repeats the previous step for the other questions. 39. T takes notes to find patterns or to summarize the ideas while the students share their comments. 40. T copy-pastes the phrases collected during monitoring and put them on the Canva Presentation. 41. T asks the SS to improve or correct those phrases by following the dynamic "Hospital for sentences" 42. SS will pretend they are doctors and have to operate sentences. Each incorrect sentence will first go through the emergency room, then they will be transferred to the operating room to be corrected and finally when the sentences have improved they will go to the recovery room. 43. After finishing the error correction, T says goodbye to the students and thanks them for their presence.