Grammer (present simple VS present continuous )
Elementary level
Main Aims
To provide clarification and practice of Present simple VS present continuous in the context of conversation between 2 tourists
Subsidiary Aims
To provide specific information listening practice using a text about conversation in the context of conversation between 2 tourists about attraction places in London.
Procedure (45 minutes)
Ask students to imagine that they are in London and show them 3 pictures of famous places in London, then tell them to answer the following questions individually first:Which place are you in now?What are you doing there?When does it open? After answering, ask them to share their imagination with their partner.
Ask students individually to match the word with the right picture, then to compare the answers with their partner. After that, ask them CCQs about the word "palace." Is it big or small? for example
Show them pictures of London attractions and ask them, "Do you know these places?" and "Where does it exist?" Then tell them that we have two tourists.Request that they listen in order to order the pictures.After ordering, let them read Exercise 1 b, then ask them to listen to fill the gaps. Ask them to highlight the verbs individually. Open class feedback.
Write two sentences on the board and ask them what the differences are between them.Clarify the meaning using the timeline."He's studying a model of the Battle of Waterloo.""It closes in twenty minutes."CCQs like "Did he look at the pictures every day?" NoIs there a set time for the museum to close? Yes
Ask students to read the sentence and decide in which tense it is, and highlight the form of each tense.
Ask students to set up in groups and tell them to answer the questionnaire using the target language.Open-ended feedback Language feedback on content .