Melissa Mullan Melissa Mullan

Intermediate level


This is a speaking lesson with a main aim of providing students with practice on speaking skills through discussion within the context of a healthy eating.


Abc PPT slides

Main Aims

  • To provide fluency in speaking within the context of healthy eating.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide students with an opportunity to practice the MFPA of useful language (expressions and phrases).
  • To provide students an opportunity to improve accuracy of grammar and lexis.


Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students. also to activate previous knowledge of the topic area

T greets students and starts the lesson by. Building rapport with students. Display slide with images of food. Have students state which are healthy and which are unhealthy. T displays questions for students to answer about what healthy or unhealthy foods they eat. T tells the students that they are going to be on breakout room for 3-4 minutes to share their ideas. T conducts OCFB.

Content Preparation (6-7 minutes) • To prepare students for the content of the task. in order to keep them on the right track of the lesson

T shows to the students a text discussing a trend toward healthy eating in the US and UK. Take 3 minutes to read it. T displays questions with text and provides students with a copy. T asks students to share their answers in their breakout rooms for 3 minutes. T conducts OCFB.

Language Preparation (8-9 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

T Displays matching activity with list of adjectives/noun pairs to show descriptors for healthy foods and definitions. T gives students 3 minutes to work on task. T sends students to breakout rooms for 3 minutes to compare answers. T drills pronunciation of 2 expressions, possibly all if time. (Practice sentence stress and intonation). Very good guys! Now you are more than ready to move on to the next task.

Speaking Task (14-15 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills through a speaking activity

T displays questions for the speaking activity. Make sure you include in your discussion these topics Also remember you can use the expressions previously shown T provides allocated time for this task. Ss will be changing peers each 5 minutes (If the number of students is enough) T monitors and takes notes.

Feedback and Error Correction (8-9 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

- T conducts OCFB based on what was carried out in the productive task stage. -T writes the notes related to the language that was used inaccurately by learners. Then the teacher elicits pronunciation from students or reformulate the expressions, sentences, phrases, or words that requires improvement. - T highlights pronunciation/lexis or grammar errors.

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