intermediate level
Main Aims
To provide gist and detailed reading practice using a text about machines badly behvioral in the context of technology
Subsidiary Aims
To provide fluency speaking practice in a discussion in the context of technology
Procedure (40-52 minutes)
i will start the session by tell them i am a teacher what do you think the most important things to me while i am working. then i will tell them to work in pairs for 2 mins talk about your job and tell your partener what the most important things for you in your job. then i will make open class desscussion by asking them - what is your partner job and whats important for her? then i will show them pictures and ask them what are they working? they are a customer service or call center. ok tell me 2 things important for him \her in your opinion.
i will start to give them handouts with games for the difficult vocabulary thet they might face while they are reading. and teel them to work indivdualy and choose from these word with the corrcet defination and write it in the croos word game. then i will tell them check pairs then i will put the answer key and see if there is anyone has any problem.
i will give them the handouts and i will tell them to work alone to read the text quickly not in detailes and match the headings in ex 4 with the paraghraghs and i will ask them ICQs: - so now you will read slowly or fastly? or you want to understand every singly word or the main idea only. then i will teel them how many headings you will match with the paragraphs. then i will give them 5 mins to read and answere then i will ask them to check pairs and elicit from them the answers then i will put the answer key on the ppt.
i will tell them now i want you to read for specific information because i want you to answer the questions in ex5 indvidually then do a check pairs with eachothers to see if your answers are correct or similar or no. i will ask them some ICQs : now you will read for the main idea or you want to understand every single word? how many questions you have ? then i will put the answers on the ppt and tell them to revise their answers.
now i will divide the class into 2 groups and i will give each group diffrent questions and i will ask them to have 5 mins to discuss this question with your group then i want one representer from each group to illustrate the question for the other group . then if i have extra time i will have extra speaking task i will let them to work inpairs to discuss the task .