Harvey Harvey

TP 6 - Functional language
Advanced level


Abc Google JamBoard
Abc Google Slides

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of language used for expressing opinions in the context of family

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a discussion in the context of expressing opinions


Lead - In (4-5 minutes) • To generate interest in the topic

1. T. Will share screen showing a Google JamBoard with 2 questions on it. 1.) Do you agree with your Country’s legal drinking age? 2.) If not, what age would you change it to? 2. T. will elicit answers from Ss to get them used to expressing their own opinions

Vocab task 1 (7-8 minutes) • To get Ss familiar with TL

1. T will begin by sharing screen and showing a Google slide where phrases used to express one’s opinions will be scrambled. The first half of the phrase will be numbered and the 2nd half will be lettered. (form) 2. T will instruct Ss to work alone to write on a piece of paper the numbers matched to the correct letters to complete the phrases. 3. After time is up T will instruct Ss that they must now work in groups to match the phrases. T will do the first phrase with the entire class. 4. After time is up, T will bring Ss back into the main room and begin to go over the answers by asking Ss how they answered and asking the other learners if they agree, correcting any mistakes. (OCFB)

Vocab task 2 (11-12 minutes) • To get Ss familiar with TL

1. T will share screen to show a Google slide with 3 categories for the phrases below to fit under. The categories are lettered, and the phrases are numbered. T will instruct Ss to individually write the numbers to the corresponding letter on a piece of paper. (meaning) 2. After time is up T will instruct Ss that they must now work in groups to correct each other and see if they all got the same answers. 3. After time is up T will bring Ss back into the main call and go over the answers with the class. 4. After the OCFB. T will go over pronunciation of all the phrases covering proper stress and linkage.

Speaking task 1 (7-8 minutes) • To get the Ss to use the TL

1. T will begin by sharing screen and showing a Google JamBoard with a question. Is it better to have kids before or after 30 years old? 2. T will Demo the task and then instruct Ss that they have 5 minutes to discuss their opinions in groups on the matter. 3. After time is up T will bring Ss back into the main call and will go over some of the answers that the class came up with.

Speaking task 2 (9-10 minutes) • To get the Ss to use the TL

1. T will begin by sharing screen showing a Google JamBoard with 1 more question this time having to do with their personal experiences. Q: Do you wish your parents had you when they were older or younger? 2. T will demo for class then instruct Ss that this time they have 6 minutes to discuss in groups their opinions on the new question. 3. After time is up T will bring Ss back into the main zoom call to discuss some of the opinions they had during their discussion.

DEC (1-2 minutes) • To correct any mistakes Ss might have made.

Correct any mistakes T hears during the lesson.

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