ayah ayah

level 4 session 4
Elementary level


Abc cutting edge (elementary)
Abc cutting edge (workbook)

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of animals and big numbers in the context of nature

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a discussion questions in the context of nature
  • To provide gist and specific information listening practice using a text about smart animals in the context of nature


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- T plays the music of "Alam ELhyawan" program [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaN8-kJ6i70] - T asks ss if they can recognize the soundtrack. - T displays pictures of animals from "national geographic" in case ss are unfamiliar with the "Alam ELhyawan" music. - T elicits that they will be talking about animals and nature. - T displays lead-in questions "What is your favorite animal and why?/What separates humans from animals?/ Do you consider humans to be a kind of animal?/Which animal is the most dangerous? Why?" - T asks ss to discuss these questions in pairs. -T monitors and gives ss prompts to talk more. -T starts the whole class feedback.

Test #1 (5-7 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language

Task Brief: - T asks ss to look at the photos of the animals/natural features in the book and match the animal with the picture of it individually in 3 mins. Instructions: -T asks ss to match the picture with the animals in the book. - T models by doing one with them. -T monitors well and helps the struggling ss.

Teach (7-10 minutes) • To clarify areas of the target language where students had difficulty in the first test stage

T starts the WC feedback. -T displays the picture of animals/natural features and ss say the name of it. -T highlights the difference between "lake/ocean/sea", drills, and writes the words on the board [ CCQs are not needed] - T recaps by showing the pictures quickly and ss say the words.

Test #2 (8-10 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first test

Task Brief: -T asks ss to do ex. 1/2 in the course books in the part of "study practice remember" individually for 5 mins. Instructions: -T asks ss to open their books and choose the correct answers. -T models by answering the 1st question with ss. -T models well and helps the struggling ss. -T asks ss to check their answers in pairs. -T displays the answer keys. -T checks whether ss are stuck on a point or everything is clear.

Free practice (7-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Task Brief: -T asks ss to use the words they have just learned about animals and natural features to answer the questions in ex2 the first page of the unit Instructions: -T asks ss to talk about their experiences with animals/the last time they went to the zoo + the questions of the exercise. -T models by giving a personal experience [ the last time he/she went to the zoo and what animals he/she say] whilst using as many words as possible. -T asks ss to do it in pairs for 5 mins. -T monitors well, intervenes to give prompts for lengthy discussions or to help ss transfer the L1 words/structures into English Feedback: -T starts the content feedback. -T praises ss and gives good use of the language he/she picked. -T writes some of the ss mistakes on the board and elicits how they should rectify them

Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context, engage students, and get ss involved

- No need for teachers to have a smooth transition at that point. Task Brief: -T asks ss to discuss the 3 lead-in questions in the book in pairs in 3 mins. - T monitors well and gives ss prompts to keep on talking. - T moves on to the listening part by starting the content feedback of the last question: " which of these animals in the pictures are intelligent/ why? "

Exposure (3-5 minutes)

Task Brief: - T asks ss to listen to a radio program about intelligent animals and to put the animals mentioned in order [ex1]. Instructions: - T says " we are listening to a radio program talking about intelligent animals, I want you to put animals you hear in order" - T asks ss to open their books 2nd page of the unit. -T chests and points at the text and the questions, and asks ss to listen and answer. Modeling -T models by doing one with ss. Feedback - T asks ss to check their answers in pairs. -T displays the answer keys on the ppt. - T starts the content feedback by asking about the dog mentioned in the audio, saying " what was so special about the dog the expert studied? / could the dog remember one thing? " - T elicits " thousands" -T asks " is thousands a small or a big number?" -T says " today, we are learning how to say big numbers?"

Test1 (3-5 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language

Task Brief: - T asks ss to match the number with how they are supposed to say them individually in 2 mins. Modeling: -T models by doing the first one the ss. -T monitors well and helps the struggling ss. -T asks ss to check in pairs.

Teach (5-7 minutes) • To clarify areas of the target language where students had difficulty in the first test stage

- T starts the WC feedback. -T shows the answer keys to ss and asks ss to check their answers again. -T drills the numbers and varifies his/her drilling techniques since numbers need a lot of drilling. - T recaps by pointing at the number quickly and ss say it.

Test 2 (3-5 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first test

- T divides ss into 2 groups. -T writes numbers on the board and the first st who will say correctly, out loud, and first will be the winner. - T models by demonstrating the 1st one with the class not for the class - T focuses on ss pronouncing the numbers correctly rather than focusing on the competition.

Freer practice (7-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Task Brief: -T asks ss to discuss some questions about numbers and write every number their partners say during the conversation in pairs in 5 mins. [ attached] Instructions: - discuss these questions and try to use as many numbers as you can - during the discussion, write every single number your partner says and the one with many numbers at the end will be the winner. - 5 mins, in pairs. ICQs [ in order to give effective ICQs, Ts have to be careful with their intonation and gestures when asking them] - Are we discussing these questions alone or in pairs? - Are we discussing them in English or in Arabic? -Are doing sth while discussing the questions? what's it? Feedback: -T monitors well and gives prompts to ss to extend their answers. -T goes around the class, jotting down notes of ss's mistakes. -T starts the content feedback -T praises ss for their discussion and starts his language students-centered feedback.

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