Teaching Practice 2
Elementary level
Main Aims
To review and practice past simple forms (positive regular and irregular verb forms). To talk about past events.
Subsidiary Aims
To give students practice in speaking and writing for accuracy.
Procedure (40-45 minutes)
Write on WB: use Give example using present, 'I often use a mobile phone/ laptop.' Elicit past tense: 'Yesterday I ........ ' Write on WB. Rpt with 'go', Write 'I go to school.' Elicit 'Yesterday I ......... ' Use to establish idea of regular and irregular past forms.
Focus on Form: Introduce & HO1 (on WB), to 'test' - in pairs students find past simple verbs in the texts, 'Talking about the past'. Feedback Early finishers to come up and write answers on WB. Say the verb and ask students to repeat. Point out regular verbs that end in -e just add -d, some irregular verbs are the same, e.g. cost. Go over pronunciation of said, short 'e' sound. Focus on pronunciation: Focus on differences in pronunciation of regular -ed past forms by listening and repeating: worked /t/ wanted /id/ used /d/
Introduce ex 2, sts to read two paragraphs based on 'Talking about the past' and complete sentences using verbs from the word bank and changing to past simple, in pairs, if possible work with different partner from the same group. Feedback: give answer key. Check for common errors and go over these if necessary.
Introduce HO2 with simple past questions: What did you do yesterday/ at the weekend/ on Saturday/ Sunday What did you eat for breakfast? Where did you go on holiday? etc. space for independent sentence(s) Sts write their answers. Sts who finish will go on to ask others in their group what they did at the weekend. Monitor and do error correct as necessary. Contingency for students who finish early - Past simple maze game
Sts to use the questions and answers from their sentences about the weekend. They will mingle with students around the classroom. Draw class back together. Feedback / highlight any common errors. Ask if anyone did anything especially interesting over the weekend.