Diana Diana

TP7 LP_Diana Shvindina
Upper-Intermediate level


In this writing lesson students will practice writing for and against essay in the context of languages. They will practice reading for gist, discover and practice the essay structure and useful language. Finally, they will write an essay and have peer correction experience.


Abc TP 7 for students
Abc TP 7 essays

Main Aims

  • To introduce and provide practice of writing for and against essay in the context of languages

Subsidiary Aims

  • To enable students to discover and practice the MFA of the useful language for essays in the context of languages
  • To provide students with reading for gist practice by reading a model for and against essay about languages
  • To enable students to discover and practice the for and against essay's structure in the context of languages


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To engage learners, make them aware of the topic and activate their schema

1. Teacher (T) welcomes students (Ss) 
2. T introduces the topic by showing the questions on the screen: - Do people need to learn foreign languages? Why? - Do you like the idea of having only one language in the world? 4. T asks Ss to answer the questions in pairs or small groups and sends them to BreakOut rooms. Instructions: "Ask and answer the questions in BreakOut rooms. You have 2 min." ICQs (if needed): Do you work in pairs or individually? (In pairs) Where can you find the question? (In a google document or in the chart box) 5. Ss answer the questions in pairs or small groups. 5. Ss share some of their answers in open class feedback.

Exposure (3-5 minutes) • To provide a model of a for and against essay through reading for gist

1. T provides students with a model essay in a google document file. English should be the most prominent language in the world. It is thought by some people that English, which is now the most widely spoken language in the world, should one day predominate over all other languages and result in their eventual disappearance. Having one language would certainly aid understanding. However, people can lose the important features of their culture. On the one hand, having one global language is a good idea. It would enable greater understanding between countries. In other words, if everyone spoke one language, there would be complete understanding between not only countries but all people throughout the world which would promote learning, the flow of information and ideas. On the other hand, there are obvious disadvantages to having the most prominent language. It would mean that all other languages would eventually disappear and, along with them, their cultures. The diversity of cultures is one of the joys this world has to offer. Each culture is unique with its own way of life and own perspectives of the world which would all be lost if there were only one language. In conclusion, while there is a strong argument for having one global language, too much would be lost as a result. Maintaining local languages and cultures should be prioritised to ensure a rich world heritage for future generations. 2. Ss have to read an essay and answer the gist question which also activates the inferring attitude skill: What is the author's attitude towards making English the most prominent language in the world? (Is the author for or against?) Answer: The author is mainly against because "too much would be lost as a result". If there is enough time, T may ask Ss to discuss the answer in BreakOut Rooms and then share their ideas in open class discussion.

Highlighting the structure (3-5 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the structural elements of for and against essays through guided discovery tasks

1. T provides Ss with a link to a google online document and checks if they can open and edit it. 2. T asks the students to do two Guided Discovery activities. Instructions: Work in BreakOut Rooms. Look at the essay again and do the activities. ICQs: Do you work in groups? Yes. Do you have to make the notes? Yes. Put the elements of the essay’ structure in the right order: 1. Body paragraph 1 (arguments for the subject) 2. Introduction 3. Conclusion 4. Body paragraph 2 (arguments against the subject) Answer Key: 1. Introduction Body paragraph 1 (arguments for the subject) 2. Body paragraph 1 (arguments for the subject) 3. Body paragraph 2 (arguments against the subject) 4. ConclusionBody paragraph 2 (arguments against the subject) Match the elements of the essay’ structure with their definitions: 1.Topic sentence A. Words or phrases that link important ideas within a paragraph or between paragraphs. 2.Supporting argument B. The first sentence of a body paragraph which expresses its main idea. 3.Transitions C. They follow supporting ideas and develop them through examples or definitions. 4.Details D. Can be found in body paragraphs. Usually comes after the topic sentence or another argument. Provides support for the main idea of the paragraph. Answer Key: 1B 2D 3A 4C 3. T provides the students with the right answers.

Useful Language (5-7 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language (transitions) for coming productive task - writing a for and against essay

Meaning 1. T asks students to match the transitions with meanings. Instructions: Work individually. Match the transitions with meanings. You have 1 minute. 2. T elicits the students' answers. Form and Appropriacy: 1. T asks the students to do the task in the google document. They have to identify the form and appropriacy in BreakOutRooms. T models the answer for the first transition. Here is a list of useful transitions. Which transition is an adverb, a phrase or an idiom? Which of them are formal, informal or neutral? However, On the one hand,... On the other hand, In other words, Furthermore, In conclusion, Answer Key: However, - adverb, formal On the one hand,... On the other hand, - idiom, neutral In other words, - idiom, neutral Furthermore, - adverb, formal In conclusion, - phrase, formal 2. T elicits the answers of just shares the answers with Ss and praises if everything is right.

Productive Task(s) (15-18 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

1. T asks the students to brainstorm the arguments for and against the topic. One student writes them on the whiteboard, while the others provide him or her with some arguments. Instructions: Brainstorm for and agaist arguments and write them on the whiteboard. Choose a person who is going to note them. You have 2 minutes. ICQs: Do you work together or individually? Together. Who is going to note down the arguments? A chosen person 2. T asks the students to choose one argument for and one against for their future assay in 30 seconds. T asks two students to share the chosen arguments. Instructions: Please, choose one argument for and one against. You have 30 seconds. 3. T shares the google online document where students can write their essays. Each student has a unique page for writing an essay individually. 4. T asks Ss to write an essay of 50 words or more and gives them 15 minutes. If some students are ready earlier, T may ask them to check their written work using a checklist. Instructions: Write an essay on the topic provided. Keep to the structure and don't forget about useful words and phrases. You have from 12 to 15 minutes. ICQs: Do you have to use the structure? Yes Do you need to use the phrases from the lesson? Yes Where do you write? On our individual pages. 5. Ss write their essays individually. Topic: Learning foreign languages should be considered as a waste of time because computers translate quickly and accurately. 6. When Ss are ready, T puts them in pairs or small groups for peer checking. Ss have to check their partners' essays using a checklist. Instruction: Work in Break Out rooms. Share your essays with each other and check them using a checklist from the google document. ICQs: What can help you to check your partner's essay? The checklist.

Feedback and Error Correction (5-7 minutes) • To provide feedback and DEC on students' production and use of language

1. T provides students with open class feedback, commenting on positive ideas and sentences and eleciting how to make some ideas and sentences better. 2. T provides students with DEC. T shares some good examples of lexis and grammar from students' essays and elicits how to correct some students' mistakes.

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