Telling Tales, Past Simple vs. Past Perfect
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students learn about the past simple vs. the past perfect through guided discovery based on a reading text about a native American folk tale. This lesson starts with a discussion about famous Egyptian tales. SS read for specific information and answer a true or false question. Then there is a short controlled practice so that SS notice the TL. Then there is another controlled practice through choosing the correct form of the verb in a short modern story. Finally, there is a freer activity for the SS to practise writing as we usually use the past perfect in writing more than in conversation.


Abc A doll with a bag full of slips of paper.
Abc Handout

Main Aims

  • To provide a clarification of the difference between past simple and past perfect.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide the SS with some ideas to start their free writing activity.


Lead-in (4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students.

T discusses with SS famous Egyptian tales.

PTV (2 minutes) • To help SS understand difficult words and get engage in the following exercise effectively

Students match two difficult words with the pictures and then check with their partners.

Reading for specific information (6 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading task.

Students read the text and answer a true or false question. Students check their answers in pairs.

Language Clarification/Focus on language (9 minutes) • To help SS notice the TL and analyse the meaning, phonological aspects and form.

SS notice the underlined sentences and answer CCQs about two marker sentences including choosing the correct timeline SS check in pairs. T provides feedback. SS put the handout aside and T models and drills the marker sentences. SS notice the stressed words and the weak form and complete the table. T provides the answer key. SS fill in a table to classify the parts of the two marker sentences to highlight the structure. SS check their answers in pairs. T provides answer key.

Control Practice 1 (4 minutes) • To allow SS to notice and practise TL in a limited form

SS answer a short question about correcting the verb form using past perfect. SS check in pairs. T provides answer key.

Control Practice 2 (6 minutes) • To allow SS to practise TL in a more challenging and limited form.

SS choose the correct form of the verb in a short modern story. SS check in pairs. T provides answers.

Freer Activity (8 minutes) • To allow SS to produce the language using the TL freely.

T shows SS their picture with a famous writer and asks the SS if they are good writers. T asks SS to choose their preferable tale and change the ending. SS write individually and tell each other about the new ending.

content and language feedback (3 minutes) • to provide students with feedback

T monitors while SS are telling each other about their writing. T provides feedback on the board.

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