Where are my keys? ( Unit 2 - Cycle 1)
Interchange - Intro - Level A1 - Breakthrough level
Main Aims
In Unit 2, students identify and discuss personal and classroom objects and discuss the location of items. - s. By the end of Cycle 1, students will be able to identify and discuss personal and classroom objects using the articles a/an, plurals, this/these, and it/they.
Subsidiary Aims
1 SNAPSHOT - Learning Objective: discuss common personal items
2 ARTICLES - Learning Objective: use a and an in short statements about common classroom objects
3 CONVERSATION - Learning Objective: use this, these, and plurals in a short conversation
4 PRONUNCIATION - Learning Objective: identify different pronunciations of plural -s endings and sound more natural when saying plural nouns
5 GRAMMAR FOCUS Learning Objective: ask and answer questions with this/these, it/they, and plurals
6 SPEAKING Learning Objectives: ask and answer questions about the names of things using this/that, these/they; practice spelling
End of Cycle 1 - See the Supplementary Resources chart at the beginning of this unit for additional teaching materials and student activities related to this Cycle.
Procedure (55-81 minutes)
[CD 1, Track 17] • Focus Ss’ attention on the pictures. Then play the audio program. Ss listen and read silently. • Play the audio program again. Ss listen and repeat. • Write the words wallet and hairbrush on the board. Then explain and model the first task. Take a wallet from your bag and say: “What’s in my bag? A wallet. It’s a wallet.” Check (✓) the word wallet on the board. • Ss complete the first task individually. • To check comprehension, ask: “Who has a wallet?” Take out your wallet. Repeat with the remaining items. • Say: “Take out one thing from your bag. What is it?” Elicit Ss’ answers and write them on the board. Help Ss name any objects they show. For more practice with this vocabulary, play Kim’s Game – download it from the website.
A [CD 1, Track 18] • Focus Ss’ attention on the pictures. Elicit or say the names of the objects. Ss repeat. • Focus Ss’ attention on the articles box. Explain that we use an before vowel sounds and a before consonant sounds. Write examples from Exercise 1 on the board (e.g., an umbrella, a wallet ). Then elicit examples of vowel sounds and consonant sounds. • Focus Ss’ attention on the pictures again. Ask: “Which words start with vowel sounds?Which words start with consonant sounds?” • Explain the task. Then play the audio program. Ss listen and complete the task. Play the audio program again if needed. • Elicit the answers and write them on the board. Ss check their answers. Then they practice reading the sentences in pairs. Answers 1. This is a book. - 2. This is an English book. - 3. This is an eraser. - 4. This is a notebook. - 5. This is a pen. - 6. This is a clock. For more practice listening for a and an, try Run for It ! – download it from the website. Put signs with a and an on the walls. Then read out phrases with these articles (e.g., a cell phone, an eraser ). B Pair work • Explain the task. Then say the words one by one. Ss listen and repeat. Explain any new vocabulary. • Model the example conversation with the class. Point to a chair and say: “This is a chair.” The class asks: “How do you spell chair?” Say: “C-H-A-I-R.” Then change roles with the class. • Ss complete the task in pairs. They go around the class, find the classroom objects, and practice the conversation. Circulate and help Ss identify and spell objects as needed. • Option: Ask: “What other things are in the class?” Ask Ss to point to them and elicit the names. Ask: “How do you spell . . . ?” Elicit the spellings of these words and write them on the board. TIP To help Ss remember the names of classroom objects, have them make labels in English and attach the labels to the objects.
[CD 1, Track 19] • Focus Ss’ attention on the picture. Ask: “What things are in the picture?” Elicit or explain any new vocabulary (e.g., flash drives, tablet, tablet case ). • Ask: “Who is Brandon? Christina?” Play the audio program. Ss listen for the answers. Then elicit the answers by asking Ss to identify the people in the picture. • Explain that people say: They’re cool., Wow!, and It’s great! to show pleasure. Play the audio program again. Ss listen for these expressions. • Ss practice the conversation in groups of three. Go around the classroom and encourage Ss to look at each other and use intonation. • Option: Ask one or two groups to role-play the conversation for the class. For a new way to practice this conversation, try Substitution Dialog – download it from the website. - Substitute the words ash drives with wallets, tablet with cell phone, and tablet case with eraser.
A [CD 1, Track 20] • Books closed. Demonstrate the meaning of singular and plural. Hold up three pens.Point to one and say: “One pen. Pen is singular.” Point to two pens and say: “Two pens. Pens is plural.” Point to all three pens and say: “Three pens. Pens is plural.” • Write these words on the board and underline the plural -(e)s endings: pens books sungla- sses - Say each word slowly so Ss can hear the endings. - Ss repeat.• Write the phonetic symbols above each word:/z/ /s/ /ɪz/ - pens books sunglasses Pronounce the symbols and the words. Ss repeat. • Books open. Focus Ss’ attention on the chart. Then play the audio program. Ss listen and read silently. • Play the audio program again. Ss listen and repeat. • Option: Explain these pronunciation rules:1. When nouns end in vowel sounds or voiced consonant sounds (e.g./n/, /r/),we pronounce the plural -s as /z/ (e.g.pencils, cell phones ). 2. When nouns end in voiceless consonant sounds (e.g., /p/, /t/, /k/),we pronounce the plu- ral -s as /s/ (e.g., laptops ).3. When nouns end in sibilant consonant sounds (e.g., /s/, /tʃ/), we pronounce the plural -s as /ɪz/ (e.g.classes ). B• Say the singular nouns one by one. Ss repeat.• Copy the pronunciation chart on the board.• Explain and model the task. Say:“Pho ne case phone cases.” Then write it in the chart on the board.• Ss complete the task indi-vidually. Go around the class and give help as needed.• Ask different Ss to complete the chart on the board. Answers /z/ /s/ /ɪz/ student IDs paper clips phone cases newspapers ta blets purses televisions tickets boxes C[CD1Track 21] • Play the audio program again. Ss listen and check their answers.Then correct the answers on the board as a class. •Option: Ss add more words to the chart in small groups. Go around the class and help with voca-bulary, pronunciation, and spelling. Then elicit words from the class and add them to the chart on the board. For more practice with pronouncing words with plural -s endings, play Tic-Tac-Toe – download it from the website. Ss have to say and spell the words correctly.
TIP Write the learning objectives on the board. When you finish each exercise, check (X) the objectives you covered. [CD 1, Track 22] • Books closed. Write this and these on the board. - Hold up a pen and say: “This is a pen.” Then hold up two pens and say: “These are pens.” • Contrast the pronunciation of this and these. Ss repeat. If needed, point out that the /ɪ/ in this is a short sound, but the /iː/ in these is a long sound. • Books open. Focus Ss’ attention on the Grammar Focus box. Play the audio program. Ss listen and read silently. • Elicit or explain that this and it are singular and these and they are plural. • Explain the task. Model the first conversation with a S. • Ss complete the task individually. • Go over the answers by asking different pairs of Ss to read the conversations. Check Ss’ use of apostrophes and capital letters. • Then Ss practice the conversations in pairs. Answers 1. A: What are these? - B: They’re keys. 2. A: What are these? -B: They’re backpacks. 3. A: What’s this? - B: It’s an umbrella. 4. A: What are these? - B: They’re sunglasses. 5. A: What’s this? - B: It’s a wallet. 6. A: What’s this? - B: It’s a window. • Option: Write this model conversation on the board: A: What’s _______? B: It’s _______ . A: What are _______? B: They’re _______ . Ss go around the classroom in pairs. They practice asking and answering questions about classroom objects. Go around the class and help Ss with the use of this/these and it/they.
A [CD 1, Track 23] • Focus Ss’ attention on the pictures. Then play the audio program. Ss listen and read silently. • Play the audio program again. Ss listen and repeat. • Ss practice the conversations in groups of three. They take turns with each role. B Group work • Explain and model the task. Put four objects on your desk, including some you haven’t taught yet. • Point to one object and ask: “What’s this/What are these called in English?” Elicit the answer. Then ask: “How do you spell that?” Elicit the answer. If Ss don’t know the answers, tell them to ask you the questions. • Ss complete the task in groups of three or four. Go around the class and help with vocabulary and spelling as needed. • Option: To review vocabulary and spelling, make a list of five to 10 words and scramble the letters (e.g., drcite drac for credit card, neohhapsde for headphones ). Ss unscramble the words in pairs. TIP To make it easy for Ss to record new vocabulary, keep a Vocabulary List on one side of the board. Add new words to it throughout the lesson. For more practice with vocabulary, play Picture It! – download it from the website. Ss draw pictures and ask: “What is this?” or “What are these?”
See the Supplementary Resources chart at the beginning of this unit for additional teaching materials and student activities related to this Cycle.