Ardak Ardak

Copy of 4.07 Future Continuous and Future perfect
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will speak about possible future farming, explore some verbs and nouns related to future farming. They will listen to the text “Growing up” and find out what skyscraper farms are. Then they will read the text (2nd reading) and do a gap filling exercise ( the missing sentences). Afterwards they will listen to two sentences from the text which contain two future tenses.


Abc Speakers
Abc Whiteboard and markers
Abc The listening and the text “Growing up”(Prime Time 4)
Abc Controlled practice handout 2
Abc Speakers

Main Aims

  • • By the end of the lesson, students will have revised future continuous and future perfect and used it to speak about their future plans.

Subsidiary Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will have practiced sub-kills: listening for gist and reading for details


Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1. Is Georgia agricultural or industrial country? 2. Do we have enough land for farming? 3. Some countries don’t have enough farming land. Is it possible to solve this problem? How? Discussing in pairs/ whole class feedback Set Task: "Look at this picture. What do you think it is? (skyscraper farm)

Pre-Listening/ pre-teaching vocabulary (5-6 minutes) • To elicit some key words before listening exercise

Before we listen to find out more let’s deal with some words. 1. Lush a)Having lots of plants. It starts with –L 2. Drain the world of its resources CCQs-a)are there many resources? b) is it empty? c) Is it good 3. soar CCQs-a) what is another word for when prices are going up? It starts with S…… 4.Spring up –what is another verb for appear? (it also means to jump, it’s the name for one of the seasons of the year. 5. Nutrients What do we call substances that help plants animals grow? CCQs a) are they useful? 6.environmentally friendly- if it isn’t bad for the environment what do we say? 7.Power- politicians have lots of power. POWER What else does it mean? The lights went out- There was a power cut. CCQs –is it about electricity? 8.Wasteland- if we do not use a piece of land what do we call it? what’s another word for rubbish? Waste now join waste and land CCQs -do farmers use it? 9. greenhouse- what do we call a place where people grow vegetables and flowers in winter? CCQS- is it warm inside? once again recycle the words

While-Listening #1 (4-6 minutes) • To provide students with specific information listening tasks

T will introduce the activity: " Now listen for gist; what is a skyscraper farm ICQs: are you listening for details? Now discuss it in pairs Possible answers: I think it’s a tall building where you can grow food. It is powered by solar panels and wind turbines and the produce is grown in a solution of nutrients and water.

While-Reading #2 (9-10 minutes) • To focus on details

Instructions: you are going to read the same text you’ve just listened to. Look at numbers, some sentences are missing. Read for details but first have a quick look at the missing sentences. You haven’t done this kind of task here. Pay attention to highlighted words they will help you. ICQs: Are you reading for detail? Are you paying attention to highlighted words? Hand out: Reading Instructions: now start reading………….. Compare with you partner………………… Do you have the same answers? Let’ check : what do you have in 1……..

Exposure (1 minutes) • To draw students’ attention to the example sentence from the reading

Listen: We will be eating fresh local produce in 2050

Meaning (5-7 minutes) • To clarify the meaning

CCQs: 1.Is it about present, past, or future? 2. Will it happen once? 3.Will it happen every day? 4. Do we know the exact time? Putting time lines on the board

Pronunciation (2-3 minutes) • Drilling chorally, individually

Listen: We will be eating fresh local produce in 2050 Instructions: listen ,then repeat We will be eating fresh local produce in 2050 Focus learners attention on contractions We'll be eating fresh local produce in 2050 Then back chain drilling

Form (2-4 minutes) • To clarify the structure of the future continuous tense

Look at the examples and fill the gaps. Some words are used more than once present participle/-ing form, be, subject, won't/will not , will Affirmative ----------------+-------------+-------------+------------------ Negative ---------------+----------------+---------------+---------------- Interrogative ---------------+---------------+------------------+--------------- Instructions: compare Unfold and see the key

Controlled practice # 1 (2-3 minutes) • To check the understanding of the target language

instructions: put the verbs in Future Continuous Give handouts Compare Feedback

exposure (1 minutes) • To provide context for the target language from a text

Listen: By the year 2050, the population will have risen to over 9 billion.

Meaning (5-7 minutes) • To check the understanding of the target language

Asking CCQs: 1. Is it about present, past or future? 2.Is the action completed? 3. Do we know when exactly it will happen? 4. Does by mean not later than 2050? Putting time lines on the board

Pronunciation (1-2 minutes) • To draw students’ attention to the contracted form

Listen: I will have finished the book by Sunday. I'll have finished book by Sunday. Repeat first chorally, then back chain drilling

Form (2-3 minutes) • To clarify the structure of the future perfect tense

Look at the examples and fill the gaps. Some words are used more than once will, subject, past participle/done, have, won't/will not Affirmative ------------+-----------+------------+--------------- Negative -------------+--------------+---------------+---------- Interrogative ------------+------------+----------------+----------------- Instructions: compare Unfold your papers and check

Controlled practice 2 (2-3 minutes) • To check the understanding of the target language

Instructions: Put the verbs in Future Perfect tense Give handouts. Compare the answers. Feedback

Controlled practice 3 (4-5 minutes) • To check the understanding of future perfect continuous and future perfect tenses

When people are busy what they do in order not to forget things? Keep a diary Instructions: It's Tania's Diary. This what she will be doing tomorrow. Look at the times and complete the sentences Pass the papers and see each other"s work discuss Get your papers back, unfold and check

Semi-controlled practice (5-8 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Instructions: stand up, interview at least two people. Ask them : What you will be doing Tomorrow at 5? What will you have done by the year 2020? Walk around, Ill tell you when to stop Instruction checking: Are you standing up? Are you speaking? Are you interviewing one person? What have you found about your group mates?

Delayed error correction (3-4 minutes) • To draw students’ attention to theTL

While students are interviewing each other, the teacher monitors the closely. Puts down their mistakes. Then writes mistakes on the board and asks the students to discuss mistakes and elicit correct answers. Instruction: while I am writing, discuss the mistakes.PW

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