Name: Yasmin Mohamed El Fakharany.1st of December 2022 . Jack And The Beanstalk-Story telling-Assigment


Abc Beans

Main Aims

  • By the end of this lesson, students will be reading for gist and detail, identify and practice the meaning of the new vocabulary words, analyze the features of the story (characters, setting, problem and solution), develop the critical thinking of the students by rewriting a different ending of the Jack And The Beanstalk short story.

Subsidiary Aims

  • The students will practice listening and reading, memorize and analyze the sequence and events of the short story Jack And The Beanstalk Short story by acting it out. Students will be able to tell and recall a simple short story with their classmates.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

-In order to grab the SS attention, T will bring some beans that are painted in different colors and sprayed with a safe friendly glitter and six boiled eggs painted with gold and some feathers. - T will put them on a sand filled tray in the middle of the carpet. - T will ask the SS to get out of their seats, return the chairs back under the tables, and invite them to come to the carpet, hold each others hands with the T in order to make a circle, then they all sit on the carpet including the teacher while the beans are in the middle. - T asks the SS to describe and name what they see on the tray. -T asks the SS to predict how many beans and eggs are on the tray, so they count and reply with right number. -T asks SS to guess why the beans are shiny. -T asks SS what color are the eggs -T asks SS how many eggs -T asks the SS what does the golden color refers to (something valuable or precious)

Pre-Reading/Listening (5-7 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

-Teacher asks the SS to get back to their seats while the teacher is sticking the Jack And The Beanstalk A3 front book cover and the banner that shows the title of the story on the white board. -Teacher will start asking the SS some questions about the book cover and the banner. -What can you see on the board? -What story are we talking about? - Have you heard this story before? -Do you like the story? -What are the characters? -How many characters can you see on the board now? -What animals can you see? -What color is the egg? -What kind of plant can you see? -Why the plant is very tall / huge? - What is the setting of the story? -Is the story happening in the daytime or nighttime? -What do you think is going to happen in the story?

While-Reading/Listening #1 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

-Teacher will remove the front cover of the story from the white board and sticks the word mat instead along with the vocabulary flash cards. - Teacher will introduce and discuss the vocabulary with the students. -Teacher asks the students about the vocabulary by showing the the pictures on the flash cards and asks the SS what is is it, then SS answering with the right word. -Teacher asks the students to work individually. -Teacher gives each student a hand out of the story and a pencil. -Teacher asks the students to circle the words that they saw on the white board. -Teacher asks the students to skip any challenging word they find in the story while reading and try to understand it from the meaning of whole sentence. - Teacher asks the students to keep working individually and gives them a pre cut out vocabulary activity sheet with a glue stick to each. -Teacher gives the students direct and clear instructions to stick the words under the right pictures. -Teacher is monitoring the students while they are working individually. -Teacher asks the students to check their answers together and exchange their feedbacks. _Teacher's feedback

While-Reading/Listening #2 (6-9 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

-Teacher divides the students into 2 groups and asks them to sit on the two round tables and prepares them for a group work. -Teacher has to consider while dividing the students that each group has to be mixed in their academic levels between high and low achievers / beginners and intermediate so they can help and encourage each others. -Teacher plays the Jack And The Beanstalk short video on the smart board for the students to recap the story events. -Teacher gives each group a pre cut sequencing activity sheet. - Teacher gives the students clear instructions and asks each group to read the sentences and match it with it's pictures in the correct order. -Teacher monitors the students while they are working. _SS, GW feed back -Teacher feedback

While-Reading/Listening #3 (7-9 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed and specific information reading/writing/drawing tasks

-Teacher will remix the students and divides them into another 2 groups that are different than last ones. _Teacher considers while dividing the students that the 2 groups has to contain mixed academic level of the students in each group. -Teacher gives the students an alternative ending story activity sheet _Teacher gives the students clear instructions to suggest an alternative ending to the story Jack And The Beanstalk, make new sentences, write them down and draw a sutable small picture next to each sentence. _Teacher monitors the students while they are working. -Teacher ask the students to read their new sentences out loud. _Teacher feed back.

Post-Reading/Listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

-Teacher asks the students to get out of their seats and and divides them into tow groups (group1 / group 2) -Group 1 are the actors will be standing to act while group 2 will be sitting on the beanbags as audience. -Teacher gives the actors a printed copy of Jack And The Beanstalk play script. _Teacher asks the Students which character that he prefers to act and hand him it's role play face mask. -Teacher gives group 2 (the audience) small notebook and a pencil and asks them to write down any mistake they see or hear from the actors while acting. -Teacher asks group 1 to act out the story while group 2 the audience are ready to watch the performance each on is ready with a small notebook. -SS of group 2 feedback. -Teacher's feed back. -Teacher rewards the students for their great work by giving the a pre prepared cut and laminated book mark that has the theme of the story. -In case of having an extra time as the expected time of the students varies according to the SS abilities, Teacher will be ready with paly dough laminated mats (each mat requires a different fun sensory task to be done with the play dough) and some paly dough that she can give to the students.

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