Iuliia Iuliia

upper-intermediate level


In this lesson students will learn how to write a brochure about an event in their town/ city. After the lead-in, the Ss will be provided a model they will use in the productive stage and will complete a gist task. Next, the layout of the event brochure will be examined as well as the functional language (MAF) used for such type of writing. After that, Ss will proceed with a core activity, namely, writing and at the end of the lesson will comment on their peers brochures.


Main Aims

  • To provide product writing practice of a brochure in the context of a town event

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist reading practice using a brochure about a town event
  • To provide clarification of language used for writing an event brochure


Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T will set context by saying there is an event in the town and Ss would like to visit it. There is also a brochure about the event. T asks the Ss what a brochure is and to brainstorm the information we can get from reading such a brochure in the open class.

Model analysis. Gist and layout (5-6 minutes) • To provide a model of a brochure for a coming productive task through reading

T shows the Ss the model of a brochure to the students and tells them to read it and answer the question: is it a music festival or does it offer any other activities? Then students write the answer in the chat box and teacher reveals the correct one. Layout. Does the brochure have a clear layout or is it written in quite a free way? (in a free way) What information is given at the beginning/ the main part/ the end of the brochure? ( Welcoming words, date, place, tickets fees/ the main information about the event/ additional information. Is it mostly formal or informal?

Useful Language (7-8 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

First, T tells the Ss they will need to work with the language taken from the brochure with the partners. They will work in BoR on meaning and appropriacy tasks given in the Google forms for 3 minutes (form will be examined in open class). There are two sections they need to complete . T demos both tasks. ICQ 1. How many sections are there? 2. How much time do you have to finish both sections? After that, T covers MAF with the students. First, T shows the right answers for the activity they did on meaning and asks the CCQs to make sure meaning is clear (for example, what do we use to a. talk about something we feel really enthusiastic about? - we're extremely excited about b. introduce a different subject?- Af for, etc) Then T asks which of the phrases seem to be the most formal and, on the contrary, the least formal and also covers the rest. Finally, T elicits the fixed phrases and annotate the forms in an open class.

Productive Task(s) (15-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

T says: Write a brochure about a real or imaginary event in your city/town individually. You have about 15 min to do so. T sends Ss the link to google slides and demos the two pages given to each of them to write ( slide 1) and follow the checklist (slide 2). T also shows where she will leave the comments. ICQs: Where do you write your brochure? ( in Google slides on the slide with my name) What language do you need to use? (active vocabulary from previous tasks) How much time do you have to complete it? (15 min) Can you write only about a real event? (No, it can be a made-up event)

Feedback and Error Correction (7-8 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

T tells the Ss: First, read each other's brochures individually for two minutes. Go through the points from the checklist there and also answer the questions: 1. Was it easy to read your partner's brochure? Is it well-organised? Are there a lot of mistakes? 2. Would you like to visit such an event? ICQs: Whose brochure are you reading? (Ss name their peers) In two minutes T sends them in BoR work on each other's brochure in turns discussing the it according to checklist and, probably, ICQ: What do you discussing with your partner? Then teacher conducts a DEC focusing on the common mistakes and good language used by the Ss.

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