Islam Islam

F2F_Elementary_1C_Real World
Elementary level


BTEPTL, learners should have learned and practiced asking for personal details.


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Main Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a Conversation in the context of Asking for personal details.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To learn about and practice sentence stress.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- Raise up your wallet and say, "This is my wallet. In my wallet I carry some important things." - Start taking out these items (credit card, ID card, driver's license, business card) while asking about each one "What is this?" - Repeat the words and drill pronunciation. - Write them on the board and highlight the stress. * Ask CCQs such as: - What information can we find on these cards? - Do they tell about me or about someone else?

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To have students identify personal information included on different cards.

- Display P. 12 (SB) on the screen and draw their attention to items 1, 2 and 3. * Ask: Whose items are those, do you think? possible answer: The lady in the photo. * Ask: Can you guess her name? possible answer: Emma Mitchell A. Elicit all in the information included on the business card. - Ask: 1. What's Webber & Webber? (her company) 2. What is that (pointing to the address? (address) - Drill pronunciation and highlight the stress (first or second syllable, both are correct; Br. & Amr.) - Ask: What is "L14 6Y2? (postcode) > drill & write - Point out that in the US a "postcode" is called "zip code" - Highlight that "postcode" is one word but "zip code" are two words. 3. What's her name again? (Emma Mitchell) - Point out that "Emma" is her first name and "Mitchell" is her surname. - Repeat and drill surname (stress > first syll.) - Highlight that "surname" also means "last name". (one word & two words) B. Elicit all in the information included on credit card ask: 1. What's the name of the bank? 2. What information can you see on the card? (card no., date, name. etc.) C. Elicit all in the information included on the phone screen Ask: 1. What is that? (phone) 2. What can you see on the scree? (message) 3. Who is the receiver? (Daniela) 4. Who is the sender? (Emma) 5. What other information can you get from the message? (home address, home number) Exercise B: Draw students' attention to exercise B, and to letters a - j on the photos. Then ask: 1. How many items do we have in 4B? (10) 2. How many letters do we have on the photos? (10) 3. What do you think you are going to do? (match) - Mention that they have 2 minutes to finish, individually. - Check in pairs. - Check with class (answers on the board)

Useful Language (Exercise 6) (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

- Ask students, "Do you remember Ahmad Helmy in Asal Eswed?" - When he wanted to go the the Pyramids, he needed a car, so he went to an office in the hotel. - Display P. 13 on the screen and point to the man and say "This is Ahmad Helmy, and he is talking with the woman to rent a car. - Remind them of the verb "rent" and drill "rent a car" > "He wants to rent a car." - Point out that we can also say "hire a car" Exercise 5A - Draw their attention to the sentences in exer. 5. - Ask: Are these sentences or questions? (questions) - How did you know? (question mark) - Tell them that they are going to listen to a conversation between this man (Paul) and the woman at the rentals office. - Have them listen and tick only the questions they they hear. (CD1 > Track 26) - Point out that NOT all the sentences are in the audio, so they only tick the ones they hear. - Model the first question. - Have them listen and do the rest on their own. - Check in pairs, then with the class. Exercise 6B. - Point to the form and tell them that Paul needs to "fill in" in the form to rent the car. Ask: Do we have all Raul's information in the form? (No) - Tell them that they are going to listen to the conversation again to complete the form. * Ask: Where can we get the missing information in the form? (from the audio) - Play the audio track (CD1 > Track 26) and have them fill in the form. - Check in groups of three, then with the class.

Productive Task(s) (15-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice speaking the target language in a semi-controlled practice.

- Draw students' attention to the questions in Exer. 5. - Point out that in natural speaking, we do not speak in one tone (demonstrate) - Highlight that words with a dots above are said more clearly and more loudly than other words. - Tell them that is because they are more important. - Drill the first question only (CD1 > track 25) - Repeat again to ensure understanding. - Have them listen to the rest and practice (play & pause) ---------------------------------------------- Exercise 9 - Hold up the two sets of card (A & B) and highlight that A is missing some information while B has them. - Likewise, in card 2, A has the information that B needs. - Ask: 1. How can A & B complete their cards? (They ask one another) - Change the pairs and inform them that they are going to work in pairs to ask one another to complete the forms. - Point out that they will do card 1 first then card 2. - Ask: 1. Where can you find the questions you need to ask? (in Exer. 5) - Hand out the cards and set a time limit of 5 minutes. - Monitor around as they work. Note down common mistakes and provide help as needed. - After they have finished, have As set together and Bs together to check their answer. - Display the answer for the groups to check.

Feedback and Error Correction (2-5 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

On the board, highlight any common mistakes. Thank students for their efforts and wish them a good week.

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