Luke Luke

TP 5 Will Grice
Upper Intermediate level


Ss will be performing a writing lesson.


Abc TP Slideshow

Main Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of feelings.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide MFPA for some expressions that can be used to talk about feelings.
  • To provide proper feedback for the language the Ss produce in their speaking practice.
  • To further develop Ss listening skills.


Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I will have a few sentences written down on my slideshow that I will read out to my students that describe how I am feeling in the moment. I will then ask the Ss what am I describing in the sentences (my feelings).

Exposure (3-4 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through listening

I will play and audio track from the coursebook that has different speaker describing the emotions they feel in different scenarios.

Useful Language (5-6 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

I will cover 7 expressions; 5 of them are fixed expressions and the other 2 are non-fixed expressions. The expressions are: 1. I get stressed out... CCQ: What is the difference between stressed and stressed out? (Stressed out is when you can not handle any more stress) Form: Normally will be followed by what stresses you out, but can be used as its own sentence. Pron: The expression has 4 syllables and "stressed" carries the stress in the sentence, with the first syllable carrying the stress in "stressed". 2. I just can't stand it... CCQ: What emotion do I feel here? (Anger or frustration) Form: Normally will be followed by what you can't stand, but can also be used as its own sentence. Pron: The expression has 5 syllables, with "can't" and "stand" carrying the stress. 3. I find fishing very relaxing/ boring/ exciting/ etc. CCQ: Can I use this expression with any action and feeling? (Yes) Does the subject have to be "I"? (No, you can use you, we, they, etc.) Form: Subject + verb (find) + object + feeling. Pron: You will stress the object (fishing) and the feeling. 4.Movies make me very happy. CCQ: Can I use this expressions with other objects and feelings? (Yes) Form: Object + verb (makes) + subject + feeling. Pron: The expression has 8 syllables and you will stress "movies" on the first syllable and "very". 5. There's no point in getting so mad about it. CCQ: Do I think it is a good idea to be mad? (No) Form: There's no point in getting can be used with any feeling, but is most often used with 'negative' emotions. Pron: You will stress "point" on the first syllable and what ever feeling you are describing, in this case "mad". 6. Why do you feel this way? CCQ: Do you think this is a good response? (Yes) What does this show? (Interest) Form: Can be used to explicitly talk about an emotion, i.e. Why do you feel so angry? Pron: The expression has 6 syllables and you will stress "feel". 7. What is troubling you? CCQ: Is who I'm talking to feeling happy or sad? (Sad) Form: Will be used before someone tells you what they are feeling, typically a 'negative' emotion. Pron: The expression has 5 syllables and the stress falls on the first syllable of "troubling".

Productive Task 1 (14-15 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Ss will take some time to think of situations that make them feel happy, sad, embarrassed, angry, and why they feel that way. (2 min) Ss will be put in pairs and will have 5 minutes to share with their partner, each taking turns. After 5 minutes, Ss will switch partners and repeat the process. (10 min) After the Ss have finished and we return back as a class, I will perform any feedback needed. (2-3 min)

Productive Task 2 (10-11 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Ss will be doing a roleplay scenario, where one person is the therapist and the other is a patient. The patient will have to talk about trouble they have with a relationship or work, and the therapist will have to show interest by asking questions to the patient. (5 min) After 5 minutes, the Ss will switch partners, with whoever was a therapist now having to be a patient and vice versa. (5 min)

Feedback and Error Correction (4-5 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

I will cover any good and bad language I heard during the second task, while also covering any other language I did not get the chance to go over in the first task.

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