selin selin

TP 8
Beginners level


In this lesson, the students are exposed to the use of “going to”. They will learn affirmative, negative and finally questions forms within the context of (near) future plans. Firstly they are familiarised with the context within the conversation that T will be doing during the warm up. And then they will be exposed to the target language with a small listening activity( filling the gaps and T/F) and then they are going to underline the TL(underlining "going to") in each sentence that they see in the paragraph. After that they will be asked a few CCQs to check if they are aware of the time(whether its about present, past or future). After highlighting the grammar, they will be introduced to meaning, form and pronunciation respectively. I will break down the stages into two rather that teaching the whole grammar at once, which can be overwhelming for them. First I will focus on affirmative and negative sentences, ask them to give me some examples to see if they can make proper sentences using the TL and after that they are going to do a controlled practice(writing a schedule according to Abdul's plans). After that I will introduce the question forms and then we will move to the semi controlled activity (find someone who) that is finally followed up by a freer speaking activity in which they will be using both affirmative & negative forms and question forms of “going to”.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of "going to" in the context of (near)future plans.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Although in the exposure part they do listening, the main sub aim is to provide accuracy and fluency in speaking in the context of their future plans.


Warmer/Lead-in (1-2 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T uses some of the vocabulary items that Ss have been exposed to in the previous lessons (I am very sad today, you were very friendly and nice students) just to activate their schemata and then talks about her future plans "I am going back to Cyprus tomorrow and I am going to start teaching there and I am going to miss you.", they will get curious and ask more questions so that T can keep using the “going to” form in order to introduce them to the language in a more natural way.

Exposure (6-7 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a listening activity (gap filling & true/false).

After the warm-up conversation with the use of "going to", students are going to listen Emily and Ana’s plans for the weekend. 1-The instructions are given. Listen Anna and her sister talking about their plans for the weekend and fill in the gaps. At first they listen and fill the gaps but at this stage although they are being exposed to the TL, T does not ask any questions about it to check if they are aware of the tense that is being used. 2- They are told to check their answers with their partners. 3- They listen it again and mark the statements as True or False. 4- The responses are shared as whole class feedback. 5- T asks CCQs to see if they got some ideas about the tense that’s been used in the listening. “Is she talking about present? (No)”, “Is she talking about past? (No)”, Is she talking about future? (Yes)”. Therefore T makes sure before starting the language clarification, students are aware of the time that “going to” indicates something related to the future.

Highlighting (2-3 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language, the form of "going to" sentences.

1- T tells the students to underline the sentences that says "we are going to.." 2- One example is written on the board and underlined. 3- As students are busy underlining the TL, T writes some examples on the board for the language clarification stage. 4- When they are finished, they share their answers as a WC FB.

Clarification (6-7 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

1- T already wrote 3 sentences on the WB, while students were underlining the TL within the text. 2- Number 1. is present continuous, 2. is present simple and 3.future(going to). T asks them CCQs for each sentence to elicit the right answer for "going to". 3- On the example written on the WB, T shows them the form (to be(not to be) + going to + Verb1) 4- T shows them some pictures and ask them to tell her about her plans, she checks the understanding and the form. 5- Sentences are drilled.

Controlled Practice (5-6 minutes) • To concept check and provide a guided practice of the TL

1- T gives instructions for the next activity. 2- There is a schedule for Abdul's week, and they are going make full sentences using the notes in his schedule.If the strong ones are sitting next to each other I will place them with the weaker ones, so that from the very first productive task, they will not fall behind as the strong ones will explain them the form in Turkish and they will understand it better. 3- When they are finished peer check each other's answers and then WC FB will wrap up the activity to make sure everyone is more comfortable with the use of the TL after this controlled practice.

Language Clarification Part 2 (4-5 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the question forms of "going to"

In this part Ss are introduced to the question forms “Are you going to..?” 1-T asks Ss to give her an example using “going to” and writes the sentence on the WB e.g” She is going to watch TV tonight. Then shows them how to make it a question (To be + going to + verb)-→ Is she going to watch TV tonight? 2- T puts some flashcards on the WB with sentences written on them and asks Ss to make them questions to check their understanding.

Semi-Controlled Practice (5-6 minutes) • To concept check both affirmative and negative forms as well as the question forms of the TL, in the concept of future plans(find someone who..?)

1- Instructions are given. "You are going to ask your friends these questions(showing the questions on the HO) saying are you going to.." and they will answer yes I am going to.. or no I am not going to..(T shows a demo with a student) 2- T gives out the hand-outs. 3- Students stand up and start to mingle. 4- T monitors them and detect common errors 5- Asks them for the most interesting answers for feedback 6- Corrects the most common mistakes on the WB

Freer Practice (5-6 minutes) • To provide students with freer practice of the TL by talking about their future plans.

1- T tells students to write 5 sentences about their future plans(the number of sentences can change depending on the time). 2-After they are finished T asks them to stand up and make a circle. T monitors them and approximately in every 1 minute teacher claps her hands and they start talking to someone else. By this way they are going to repeat their sentences for several times(If there is not enough time for this, they will be talking to their partners about their plans). 3- When they are finished they sit down and FB is given, T asks them for the most interesting answer they got.

Error Correction (2-3 minutes) • To give feedback on the learners' understanding of the TL.

T asks them to give her one example for affirmative or negative form of "going to" and one question form. If there is still time she will ask them one by one to check everyone is clear with the concept.

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