Hanif Jodeiry Hanif Jodeiry

The age of people and things
Beginners, A1 level


In this lesson students are going to learn: -the age of people and things -numbers 20-101 will be taught and practiced -they will learn how to ask about the ages of people and things -they will also pronounce the numbers with the correct word stress. -finally they will talk about age


Main Aims

  • The age of people and things

Subsidiary Aims

  • speaking: asking about the age of people and things listening: dialogues in which people ask how old people and things are
  • Listening: listening to other people or conversations to get the "specific" information that is needed when dealing with the ages of things and people


Lead in (warm-up) (5-7 minutes) • Introducing the theme (the age of people and things) to test the students before I teach

Some of the pop Turkish singers are very famous and the learners either follow the news about the celebrities or just hear about them from others talking. I will show the picture of singer and ask them to guess her age. I will keep repeating "How old is she?" and then I will elicit her age from the students until we come to the right answer. At this stage I have demonstrated how it should work by modelling and later they will decide about the age of the others. (It's also a good chance for to know whether they know the numbers or not to later on decide where to start from)

Vocabulary numbers 21-101 (10 minutes) • Presentation-Meaning-Form application to make it fast and easy enough for the learners to learn

At this stage I am going to play the audio material related to the numbers. At the beginning I will ask them not to look at the Handout or I may just deliver it after the listening is done. They will listen and repeat(PRESENTATION). I will later demonstrate the numbers with my fingers so that they can get the "MEANING". Once the meaning is established, I will ask them to look at the numbers (FORM) and then try to see if they can repeat from the handout. PMF. I will drill it so much so that i will know that they have all understood it very well because then otherwise we will have lots of problems for the next stage which is about matching.

Matching the numbers and words (10-13 minutes) • to test how much they have understood from the previous section and to do some extra practice for the next level

1)I will ask the students to match the digits and their written form. I will do the first one as an example and later I will ask them to work in pairs to check. 2)I will play the recording and ask them to listen, check and repeat their answers on the book. 3)For pair-work, students dictate numbers to each other.

Pronunciation (5-7 minutes) • Word Stress

Students listen to the recording without looking at the handout. They listen to it again for a second time and afterwards repeat. Enough drilling will be done to make sure that they can distinguish and repeat them correctly. They may repeat it chorally.

Listening (10 minutes) • answering questions related to objects and ages

They will hear four short conversations in which people talk about the ages. I will ask the students: What can you see? Where are they? What are they saying? I will play the CD. They listen and match conversations to the pictures. Then pair work and checking will be followed. If it does not work, I will play it a second time. I might as well support them by explaining some vocabulary before teaching.

Listening (3 minutes) • Answering listening questions with the ages

I will play the recording again and ask the students to listen for the "specific" information, i.e. age number.

teaching words related to time (5 minutes) • Teaching the time expressions via numbers

I would rather adapt a classic approach for teaching this part and clarify the terms by defining them. Again, I would follow the PMF procedure: first the pronunciation of the terms, then meaning, then form.

Functional Language (10 minutes) • Talking about age

Students read the sentences while the recording is played. Then they listen and repeat. Later they will work in pairs as well as groups.

REVIEW (1-2 minutes) • To conclude all that has been taught

My favourite approach is to sum up all that has been taught so far so that students will know what they were taught.

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