Nazanin Bozorgzade Nazanin Bozorgzade

How to give your idea, verb + infinitive (with to)
Pre-Intermediate, B1 level


In this lesson, students will practise giving advice and making suggestions. A personality test is considered at the beginning of the class, completely related to the topic that is going to be taught. A personality test that invites the reader to answer questions to find out if they react logically or emotionally. As always, a less micromanaged convo is also considered at the beginning of the class for engagement, adjustment and hearing different thoughts and ideas.


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Main Aims

  • Vocabulary

Subsidiary Aims

  • Grammar


Warmer/Lead-in (5-8 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I will ask students if they ever had any ''big life conversations'' with their family members or friends. Do they agree with the idea of having a mentor for important decisions in life? After that, they're going to suggest areas in life where people have to make difficult decisions. Relevant suggestions are accepted, even if they're not legitimate and they will be written on board. *MAKE SURE FRIENDSHIPS, RELATIONSHIPS, CAREER, HEALTH, EDUCATION, FAMILY ARE INCLUDED.*

Exposure (3-5 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Students will suggest some difficult decisions that someone might have to make, and then in pairs they're going to discuss those questions and how they would react in different situations. (What sort of decisions are hardest to make? A major to study? A university to go to or even a house to buy?) I will get some feedback on their views at the end.

Highlighting (3-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

In this section, students scan a text to identify where it will be found (A personality test), before reading for inference and detail. After skimming, they're going to answer activity 7 - part C. Through the process I will remind students of the difficult decisions they thought about in warmer.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

After giving them structions, Ss have to take the test, individually. After that, in groups, students exchange ideas. I will monitor and help as necessary. At the end, I'll elicit answers around the class. *CLARIFICATION* : THIS TEST HAPPENED TO BE KIND OF PERSONAL (I respect Ss privacy), SO I WOULD RATHER HEAR THEIR IDEAS CONTEXTULIZED AND ALSO IT WILL BE TIME CONSUMING IF I CHECK ANSWERS ONE BY ONE OR EVEN VOLNTREED. BUT ANY MISCONCEPTIONS WITH THE TEXT WILL BE ADRESSED.

Controlled Practice (4-6 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Students will do a ''Fill in the gaps'' activity in part A. I will answer one of the questions as a model, so the activity will be clarified for students. And then after a good 4 minutes, they're going to compare their answers with their groupmate and, finally, we are going to check it with class. (The words they have to use to fill the gaps are already mentioned in class before.)

Semi-Controlled Practice (5-8 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

I will write a ''scrambled sentence'' on board to elicit the full sentence (Your friend hopes to become a singer.) Then I'll ask them how many verbs are in the sentence? (two) What are they? (underline hope and to become) *I WILL SHOW STUDENTS THAT ''PLAN TO, DECIDE TO, WOULD LIKE TO'' FOLLOW THIS PATTERN TOO.*

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

At this very final stage, students have to write true sentences about themselves (Activity 12 - part D), following the grammar they've learned earlier. Again I will monitor and help as necessary. I will put them in pairs to share their sentences. *THERE IS A GRAMMATICAL POINT TO BE TAUGHT IN ONE OF THE EXAMPLES.*

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