Intermediate level
Main Aims
To provide clarification and practice of subject-verb agreement in the context of daily incidents
Subsidiary Aims
To provide practice of writing a detailed descriptive text in the context of daily incidents
Procedure (43-55 minutes)
T: How was your weekend? S:** T: Have you done anything special, been somewhere, or met someone? Ask them to answer in verbs like go to the park and so S:** samples -watch movies, go to the park, meet a friend.... etc T keeps the conversation going and asks questions in order to initiate conversations and have them mention as many verbs as possible. T: I was going to the park, but I got sick so my friend went on her own she was planning to send me pictures and videos, but she ran out of data so she started texting me in order to describe the scene # This isn't for diagnostic purposes, it's meant to activate schemata, catch students' attention, and motivate them to participate. Also, this for them to somehow differentiate between nouns and verbs.
** Shows what's app chat that contains different nouns, plural and singular, and different verb formats. T: Read the chat T draws a table on the board T to Ss: Can you highlight the subjects? S: **students note them audibly while the teacher writes them on the board teacher separates singulars and plurals into 2 different columns
T asks: What's common between words in 1st column? S: singular T: What verbs did we use with them? S: they mention the verbs **if they can't answer include the next ICQ T: do they refer to 1 or more than one? S: One T: What do we call that? S: singular T: what's common between the verbs S: is, was, adding s to verbs T asks: What's common between words in the 2nd column? S: plural T: What verbs did we use with them? S: they mention the verbs **if they can't answer include the next ICQ T: do they refer to 1 or more than one? S: more T: What do we call that? S: plural T: what's common between the verbs S: are, not adding anything "inf" t goes to the singular column and asks T: what are words similar to nobody and everybody that refer to singular? t helps students if they have difficulty with elicitation S: someone, anyone, anybody, somebody what about the plural? we used some, all, and most T: Are they always followed by a plural? S: ** they probably won't answer T displays two sentences Most of the story is interesting to read most of the stories are interesting to read T: What's the difference? S: The noun T: If we get a singular noun, do we use a plural or a singular verb? S: Singular T: Like what? S: **they suggest verbs T: If we get a plural noun, do we use a plural or a singular verb? S: Plural T: Like what? S: **they suggest verbs
A SIMPLE TASK T: This exercise has 4 sentences T: Read the sentences, then write the right form of the verb T: let's do the first one together **Don't nominate** T: Do you all agree? S: yes Monitor T: Check your answers in pairs T: Starts to ask them the following for each question T: where's the subject, and is it singular or plural?
*MIX AND MATCH GAME Students have 2 sets of cards, they are divided into 2 groups. 1st set of cards is for the subject of the sentence, and the 2nd set is for the verb. students start talking and try to find the person with the matching card subjects and verbs together to make grammatically correct sentences. T: each one from group 1 must find his/her match from group 2 T: can 1 paper have 2 matches? S: No
DULINGO ENGLISH TEST-INSPIRED ACTIVITY T: displays a picture and asks students about the things they see T: bring out your phones and open the group chat box or google classroom Students either post their writings on the google classroom feed or write them as texts in class what's app group then screenshot them and post them to GC to have like a gallery where peers can observe and see each other's work. T: Write as many nouns as possible from what you see. ICQs can we write it as a chat to a friend? YES can we write it as a paragraph to describe it? YES T monitors and detects errors After posting, give them a minute or 2 to scroll down the feed and check their peers' work Content feedback Give language feedback on the grammatical errors Write common errors on board and ask students to edit them with the help of CCQs