Carolina Carolina

TP5_LP_Carolina Stone
Upper Intermediate level


Main Aims

  • To provide students with speaking practice and fluency in the context of food.

Subsidiary Aims

  • • Learners will have also discovered new lexical items in the context of food.


Warmer/Lead-in (5-5 minutes) • To engage learners and activate their previous knowledge of topic area

T- teacher displays images related to food - Jamboard already has questions for the students to elicit in the care context. • What is your favorite food? • Do you like to cook? - T conducts OCFB and writes learners’ opinions on the board.

Content Preparation (8-10 minutes) • To prepare students for the content of the task.o provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

T shows pictures all on the same slide and T explains they are going to see a short video describing food. -T plays a video that describes three different dishes and asks students to pay attention to the expressions they use to describe the food. -Students go to BOR to compare answers Pair checking through breakout rooms -T conducts OCFB with students by displaying answers for each picture.

Language Preparation (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

-T shows slide with lexis and pictures. Demos the first one -Students go to BOR and Match Pair checking through breakout rooms -T elicits meaning and shows next slide with phrases to make sure students know what to talk about next and uses CCQs for clarification. It´s greasy: Is it healthy? Did the chef use oil? It´s yummy: Does it taste good? Do you like the food? They´re slimy: Are they hard? Are they cooked? -T drills pronunciation of some examples to cover pronunciation with students practicing word and sentence stress.

Speaking Task (10-15 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

- T gives instructions: “talk with a partner and discuss the following questions” What is your favorite food? Please describe your favorite food. Which country's food do you like the most? How is it cooked? Are you a good cook? What food do you cook the most often? What is the last meal you cooked for someone else? Do you like food from other countries? If yes, which do you like the most? What do you think of Thai food? Chinese food? English food? -T sends the questions through the chat for Ss have them. -T sends Ss to breakout rooms and changes the teams after five minutes for Ss listen to different classmates -T monitors and notes down students' mistakes to provide feedback and reformulation in the next stage.

Feedback and Error Correction (5-5 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

- T conducts OCFB following up on the productive stage. - T writes on the screen samples of learners’ production and nominates learners to identify the correct and incorrect sentences and correct the latter ones. - T conducts OCFB

Web site designed by: Nikue