Muna Muna

LP TP8 Muna
Intermediate level


In this lesson - the teacher will start out by asking the students 'Are you all single?' and 'Does being single make you happy?'; she will then chest a picture that says 'Single people are happier'. The idea behind this is to engage the students as they will then be given in pairs sets of 3 cards that have controversial issues which they will discuss. After that, T will again ask ss to put 'ticks' on issues they like and 'Xs' on issues they don't like on these cards. Next, T will elicit what they discussed to lead them to the idea of expressing opinions; agreeing & disagreeing. At this stage - T will MFP 4 predicted blocking words. After that - students will be put in groups and asked to discuss controversial issues using TL in a controlled manner. Finally - ss will be asked to come up with their own issue, to discuss it, to then tell the class about it and to finally decide on the most interesting issue raised.


Abc Images
Abc Speaking Task

Main Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in pair and group work in the context of controversial issues

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of expressing opinions; agreeing & disagreeing in the context of rules, right, and freedom


Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1 - T greets ss. 2 - T asks 'Are you all single? 3 - T asks again, 'Does being single make you happy?' 4 - T says, 'Do you want to know why I asked? Because I came across this....' 4 - T chests picture 'SINGLE PEOPLE ARE HAPPIER' a controversial issue taken from: 5 - T says 'As you know - some people are with this idea; others aren't. 6 - T then tells ss 'Now, in pairs, discuss whether you like or dislike these ideas (chests 3 small cards). ICQs: Are you going to do this in pairs or in groups? pairs Are you going to speak or write? speak What will you discuss? like or dislike 7 - T distributes sets of 3 pictures to each pair. Set Timer: 2 minutes

Exposure (3-4 minutes) • To provide the learner with the language they are trying to learn, either generally or with specific language points

1 - T tells ss, 'Again, look at the 3 pictures and put 'tick' if you like the idea or 'x' if you don't. You have 1 minute. ICQ: Do you have to look at the pictures you have again? Yes Will you discuss anything? No Will you write anything? Yes What will you write? tick or X Can you put an X for an idea you like? No Set Timer: 1 minute 2 - T asks those who liked idea 1 to raise their hands; T writes the number of ss on the coloured paper prepared for this which has the same picture and 2 sides - one with a 'tick' and one with an 'X'. T uses the same way to elicit 'all likes/dislikes they discussed'. 3 - T asks ss, 'When you said you liked/didn't like, what did you do? 4 - T writes on the board 'Express An Opinion'. 5 - T uses the coloured paper with statistics to relate and says, 'So when you express an opinion (T points at the ticks), you what? Agree 'What if you dislike the idea? Disagree' 6 - T finally says, 'When some people like an issue but others don't; what do we call this? Controversial

Pre-Teach Vocabulary (3-4 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

1 - T will MFP the blocking words below to prepare ss for the productive task. Refer to LA lexis sheet. a) terminally ill b) smack c) capital punishment d) compulsory

Useful Language (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

1 - T asks ss, 'Do you agree with the statement - we should all obey the rule?' 2 - T asks ss, 'So what language will you use to let me know you do?' 3 - T write that on the board. 4 - T asks again, 'What if someone disagrees?' 5 - T draws a table on the board 'express opinion; agree; disagree' and elicits more phrases from ss 6 - T tells ss, 'You have an exercise to do individually.'; T chests the exercise - table. 7 - T says, 'Put the statements above the table where they belong'. You have 3 minutes. ICQs: Are you going to do this alone? Yes Are you going to write anything in the table? Yes What are you going to write? the above statements Set Timer: 3 minutes (add 1 minute if needed) 8 - T asks ss to compare & convince their partner why they chose this. ICQs: Are you only going to check your answers? No What else will you do? give a reason Set Timer: 9 - T elicits 3 answers & asks why 10 - T passes out answer 'useful language' table on page 117 SB. 11 - T asks ss to flip paper over and drills chosen statements; T pays attention to intonation.

Productive Task(s) (11-12 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

1 - T divides ss into groups. 2 - T hands out the controversial topics (part 1). 3 - T says, 'With your group, choose 3 topics you would like to discuss. You have 1 minute.' ICQs: Will this task be done in pairs or groups? groups How many topics are you going to choose? 3 How much time do you have to do s? 1 minute Set Timer: 1 minute 4 - T explains, 'Using part A here - chests useful language' discuss the 3 topics you chose' You have 4 minutes. ICQs: What part of the useful language will you use for this? A Is part A to express opinion or to agree & disagree? express opinion Set Timer: 4 minutes 5 - T changes the seating of ss. 6 - T repeats step 4 but with new controversial issue cards and focus should be on B from the useful language - agreeing & disagreeing. T repeats instructions. Set Timer: 4 minutes 7 - T changes seating of ss. 8 - T says, 'Again, choose 3 issues and discuss them with your group. You have 3 minutes to do that using useful language A & B. Then choose 1 of you to present the view of your group using part C. ICQs: Will you discuss the 5 topics? No How many topics will you discuss? 3 Will you express your opinion using parts A & B? Yes What will you do in the last minute? Present view of group

Free Practise (4-6 minutes) • To get ss to focus on using fluency while applying they learnt

1 - T rearranges groups. 2 - T explains, 'With your group - agree on a different controversial topic you would like to discuss. Make sure you choose an interesting one!' You have 1 minute. ICQs: Are you going to start discussing? No Do have to agree on something? Yes What do you have to agree on? controversial issue Set Timer: 1 minute 3 - T says, 'You have 4 minutes to discuss; at the end of this, we will decide on the group who chose the most interesting issue. 4 - T elicits issues from groups and gets ss to choose the most interesting!

Feedback and Error Correction (2-4 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

1 - T will walk around during the controlled and free practise activities to jot down good language used or problems ss faced. 2 - T will then address them on the board

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