Danila Danila

B2 level


This unit is designed to introduce students to the characters and plot of Persuasion. It provides basic information on the characters in the book and also provides students with opportunities to develop creative writing skills using Jane Austen’s texts as a prompt.


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Main Aims

  • To introduce students to the basic plot of Persuasion • To engage students with the text and encourage extensive reading

Subsidiary Aims

  • To help students to expand their vocabulary • To provide opportunities to develop the four skills, especially listening and writing • To give students the opportunity to develop some creative writing • To introduce/review combinations of verbs and prepositions


Lead in and contextualisation (10 minutes) • to raise students’ interest in the text to familiarise students with the plot and main issues in the novel

Tell students that they are going to discuss issues and themes that are closely related to the plot of Persuasion and are also relevant in all other Jane Austen novels. Pair-work: Students do Task 1 in the worksheet.

Writing • to facilitate understanding of the situation in the passage read in the film to pre-teach some vocabulary items that may prevent understanding of the passage to prepare students for the less controlled creative writing that follows in a later stage in the lesson

Tell students to briefly read the information on Persuasion provided in the box. Set the scene for the creative writing practice, referring to the picture in the worksheet. This is a piece of collaborative writing. Allow students some time to discuss their ideas. Students do Task 2 in the worksheet. Circulate the classroom to provide help and language support when necessary. Group feedback.

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