Abdussalam Abdussalam

Rebel and Demonstrations
Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson students will learn about protests and demonstrations through guided discovery based on listening visual aids and recordings. The lesson starts with brainstorming about some issues people usually protest about. In the following recordings, students listen to four people participating in the demonstrations. This is followed by a focus on lexis where the teacher checks students understanding of the vocabulary while they are doing the activities (true, false questions- PW and GW) related to the listening part. Finally, there is a freer practice when students relate to their own experiences concerning protests and demos.


Abc Hand Outs
Abc Hand Outs
Abc Hand Outs

Main Aims

  • To provide a listening practice for specific details using a text about May Day Demonstrations in the context of Protest and Demos

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of Protest Words in the context of Protests and Demonstrations


Warmer (5-7 minutes) • Setting the context and engaging students

The teacher starts the lesson by showing a picture of Taksim Square asking sts about this place. Once Sts recognize the place, they are asked what is happening there? When they answer "protests," they are asked what are the "demands"? Hence, everyone is engaged and introduced to the topic.

Pre-task work (5-7 minutes) • To prepare students for the listening task

The teacher gives instructions to students before doing exercise 1, P, 71: "In pairs, match the slogans with the causes. Then, check the answers with the class."

Set Clear Task (8-10 minutes) • Giving Sts aim in order to focus on certain info in the listening

The teacher gives instructions to students for exercise 2, page 71: "You are going to listen to radio interviews with the four protesters in the photos on the right. I need you to match the people with the slogans and causes in ex.1." The teacher then checks students' understanding of instructions with some ICQs: "What are we going to listen to? Is it a radio or TV interview? We need to match whom to what? Students' attention is focused on the photographs and their captions. Sts are asked to speculate on what the people might be like, what their interests might be and which cause they might support. Students listen to the recording while they have in mind the questions the teacher asked them. This way sts know exactly what purpose is behind listening to the recordings.

FeedBack on Task (5-8 minutes) • To check students' understanding of the recording

After listening to the recordings of the four people protesting, the teacher checks students' understanding of the recording. They are not supposed to understand everything; however, they only need enough info to do the task. Students work in pairs and match people with the slogans and causes in ex.1. Then they share the answers with the whole class.

Post-Listening Stage (6-8 minutes) • Focusing on lexis leading to follow-on activities

Students are instructed by the teacher to do ex. 1, lexis, Page 71. The teacher says " Listen again to the recordings and complete the sentences using the words in the box from the recordings. Then complete the statements (in the handouts) as true or false" A true false question task is followed. After completing the statements the teacher instructs sts "Work with a partner, discuss the statements. Which statements are true for you?" After they finish discussion, the teacher asks them again to do ex. 2 " Which What causes do you feel strongly about? compare with a partner.

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