Bugra Cakir Bugra Cakir

TP 8
Upper-Intermediate level


In this lesson, sts will practice their writing skills after being exposed to a reading text which will provide the layout and the language focus. They will be exposed to new vocabulary (phrasal verbs) during the reading exercise. Finally, if there is enough time left, after they finish their writing tasks, they will do a speaking exercise for accuracy.


Main Aims

  • To provide process writing practice of a dialogue using the TL of phrasal verbs in the context of problems and consolation

Subsidiary Aims

  • to provide practice reading for gist and inference in the context of problems and consolations.
  • to provide controlled speaking practice for accuracy in the context of problems and consolations (this sub aim may not be achieved as it's part of the flexi stage).
  • to introduce and provide practice for the TL of phrasal verbs in the context of problems and consolations


Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context, get sts interested, and prepare them for the text

(T-S, set the scene) T will stick three pictures on the WB mentioning that there is a problem and two men are talking about the girl in the picture. (T-S, instructions) T will ask sts to talk in pairs trying to answer two questions; "Why are they talking about her?" and; "What do you think is the problem?" (S-S, PW) sts will talk to each other for a minute trying to predict the answers. (S-T, WC) Sts mention their predictions to the T and the WC.

Exposure (7-8 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming task through reading for gist and detail in the context of problems and consolations

(The reading text) 1) (Gist) (T-S, Instructions) T will ask sts to read the dialogue and see if any of them made correct predictions by re-answering the questions given during the lead-in. (S-T, FB) Sts answer the questions, this time according to the text. 2) (Inference) (T-S, Instructions) T will ask sts to look at the phrasal verbs in bold and try to guess what they mean. (S-S, PW) Sts will talk in pairs during the exercise to infer the meaning of the vocabulary through the text. T will monitor during the exercise to see which words sts are having trouble with (T-S, S-S PW, FB) T will project the definitions of the phrasal verbs on the WB and ask sts to discuss how well they inferred their meanings.

Useful Language (7-8 minutes) • To highlight and clarify the introduced vocabulary for coming productive task

(Vocab. clarification) (T-S, S-T, WC, clarification) T will clarify the meaning of the phrasal verbs sts had trouble inferring during the previous exercise through CCQs, examples and explanations. T can also let sts discuss some of the vocabulary with each other as a WC, letting them give their own examples or explanations.

Productive Task (14-15 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills using the TL in the context of problems and consolations

(Writing exercise) (Arrangement) T will pair sts up with different partners. (T-S, instructions) T will instruct sts to write their own dialogue similar to the reading text that was done using 5 to 6 phrasal verbs that were introduced. (T-S, demo) T will do a demo explaining the progress, as well as giving topic examples (explanation: one st has a problem he/she wants to talk about, other tries to calm him down give positive replies), (examples: didn't do my HW, have to go to the dentist but scared, has a job interview but he/she is nervous). (S-S, PW) One sts will write one line and other will reply. Sts should come up with 7 to 9 lines of dialogue. T monitors during the exercise, taking notes for error correction and engaging sts who need help.

Feedback and Error Correction (7-8 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

(Peer error correction) (Arrangements) T will pair up the pairs to create groups of four. (T-S, instructions) T will ask sts to swap their dialogues and check each other's writings for errors and clarifications. (S-S, GW) Sts will talk with each other discussing each other's dialogues. During the exercise T will monitor sts and take notes for delayed error correction. (T-S, S-T, WC) T will write down some of the mistakes made by sts on the WB, discussing how to correct them as a WC interaction.

Flexi Stage: Controlled Speaking (4-5 minutes) • to provide controlled speaking practice for accuracy in the context of problems and consolations

(Controlled Speaking) (T-S, instructions) T will ask one of the pairs to act out their dialogues for the class in front of the WB. (S-S, PW) While sts are acting out their dialogue, T will take notes if there are any mistakes. (T-S, S-T, WC) T can do the delayed error correction sub-stage of the FB stage here, if T decides to include the exercise in the lesson.

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