Maryam Maryam

Pre-intermediate level


Abc Lesson presentation
Abc Gist task
Abc Form Checking
Abc Controlled practice

Main Aims

  • To provide review and practice of collocations in the context of ambitions and dreams

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a discussions in the context of ambitions and dreams


Warmer/Lead-in (5-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

In this stage, I will show the Ss pictures of people and ask them, " Can you tell me what you see in the pictures?' to elicit the concept of ambition or dreams. We will discuss it as a whole class. After that, I will order the students to answer the questions in the link (google forms) individually for 2 minutes and read the conversations to choose which topic describes this conversation. After they finish, I will ask them to discuss their answer via private chat for a minute. We will discuss the answers together.

Clarification (10-15 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

This stage covers the meaning, form, and pronunciation. The meaning: On GS, I will give the students 2-3 minutes to match the highlighted words(get married. Have children / start your business/become famous/ go around the world/appear on television / write a novel) with their correct meanings. After that, I will check their understanding by asking CCQs: Get married: Are the speakers singles? Yes. they are Have children: Am I the mother of Joseph and Sara? yes you are Start your own business: Do I want to increase my money? yes I do Famous person: Do people know you if you are a famous person? yes they do Go around the world: Will I stay in my country for the summer vacation? no, I will not Appears on television: Do people see my father in the news? yes they do Write a novel: Does Sara have a story to tell people? yes, she does. We will move to Form. I will give ss a google form link, and they have to choose the correct structure for each collocation they will have 3-4 minutes to answer before the OC. Get married V+ adj I have children subject+ has /have + Object Start your own business Verb + pronoun + adj+ Object Become famous Verb + Adj Go around the world Verb+ adverb + determiner+ object Appears on television Verb + preposition+ Object Write a novel Verb+ determiner+ object After they finish, I will present the previous collocations and read the out so ss can identify where the stressed part is.

Controlled Practice (6-7 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

In this stage, I will provide Ss with Jamboard where they should match the correct verb with the correct phrases, they will be given 2-3 minutes. Then, they will discuss their answers in pairs by private chat for 2 minutes. Finally, we will discuss the answers in the OC

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

I will show the ss the questions on the slide and the chat: Make three list of ambition 1. Things most people do 2. Things that very few people do 3. Things you think are easy/difficult to do. And I will do an example for them to check their understanding after that, I will put them in pairs in breakout rooms for 4-5 minutes. After that, I will discuss their answers as a whole class and provide corrections.

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